Jim Brickman
A Mother's Day

Mom and Dad were reading in the den

Mom said, "I'm gonna go to bed, it's late"

She went to the kitchen to make three school lunches

Another night in a mother's day

Put the cereal bowls out for breakfast

Set the coffeemaker for 6 a.m.

Sewed a loose button on brother's shirt for him

Checked sister's math homework, sent a note to the teacher

Added eggs to the grocery list

Started a load of wash, made sure the doors were locked

Put water in the puppy's dish

Wrote a check to the children's piano teacher

Turned the dishwasher on

And Dad called out, "Honey, what's takin' you so long?"

Have I ever thanked you

For everything you've done?

Now all that I can say is

"I love you, Mom"

Hung some art on the refrigerator door

And headed up the stairs

Kissed all the children and helped sister comb

Her wavy golden hair

Washed her make-up off and turned on the bath

Lay down in the moon's soft light and kissed Dad goodnight

Have I ever thanked you

For everything you've done?

Now all that I can say is

"I love you, Mom"

Thank you for nursin' me

Through all those colds and fevers

Thank you for believin' in me

When they were no other believers

And it's never too late to say

"I love you, Mom"

Mirror lyrics:

"I love you, Mom"

And it's never too late to say

When they were no other believers

Thank you for believin' in me

Through all those colds and fevers

Thank you for nursin' me

"I love you, Mom"

Now all that I can say is

For everything you've done?

Have I ever thanked you

Lay down in the moon's soft light and kissed Dad goodnight

Washed her make-up off and turned on the bath

Her wavy golden hair

Kissed all the children and helped sister comb

And headed up the stairs

Hung some art on the refrigerator door

"I love you, Mom"

Now all that I can say is

For everything you've done?

Have I ever thanked you

And Dad called out, "Honey, what's takin' you so long?"

Turned the dishwasher on

Wrote a check to the children's piano teacher

Put water in the puppy's dish

Started a load of wash, made sure the doors were locked

Added eggs to the grocery list

Checked sister's math homework, sent a note to the teacher

Sewed a loose button on brother's shirt for him

Set the coffeemaker for 6 a.m.

Put the cereal bowls out for breakfast

Another night in a mother's day

She went to the kitchen to make three school lunches

Mom said, "I'm gonna go to bed, it's late"

Mom and Dad were reading in the den

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AA MMother's DDay other's ay A oMther's aDy z jother's xay zA jMother's xDay Az Mjother's Dxay q kother's eay qA kMother's eDay
Aq Mkother's Deay s nother's fay sA nMother's fDay As Mnother's Dfay w Moother's ray wA Mther's rDay Aw Mtoher's Dray x Mkther's cay
xA cDay Ax Mokther's Dcay M9ther's say M9other's sDay Mo9ther's Dsay M0ther's Daay M0other's Dy Mo0ther's Dya
Mlther's Dzy Mlother's Dzay Molther's Dazy Mither's Dqy Miother's Dqay Moither's Daqy Motther's Dsy Moher's
Mohter's Dasy Mofher's Dwy Mofther's Dway Motfher's Dawy Mo5her's Dxy Mo5ther's Mot5her's Daxy Mohher's Dayy
Mohther's Da Mothher's Day Moyher's Dag Moyther's Dagy Motyher's Dayg Mo6her's Dah Mo6ther's Dahy Mot6her's Dayh
Mogher's Da6 Mogther's Da6y Motgher's Day6 Morher's Dau Morther's Dauy Motrher's Dayu Da7 Moter's Da7y
Motehr's Day7 Motjer's Daj Motjher's Dajy Mothjer's Dayj Motuer's Dat Motuher's Daty Mothuer's Dayt Motner's
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