Jim Brickman
Peace (where The Heart Is)

On a city street somewhere,
Someone shoots a gun
In the midnight air.
And I don't know why.
Somebody lives, somebody dies;
Somebody wrongs and a mother cries.
And I don't know why.

Some things we'll never understand;
Other things you change if you can.

Peace, you'll find it where the heart is,
And the heart is right where love lives,
And love can always find a way.
Hope is something that reminds us,
It's not too late to find us.
One day we may be in peace.

Haven't spoken in thirty years
After angry words and bitter tears.
And I don't know why.
Best of brothers and best of friends;
One mistake and their story ends.
And I don't know why.

Some things we'll never understand;
Other things you change if you can.


It's all about forgiveness;
With God as my witness
I wanna live to see peace.


Mirror lyrics:


I wanna live to see peace.
With God as my witness
It's all about forgiveness;


Other things you change if you can.
Some things we'll never understand;

And I don't know why.
One mistake and their story ends.
Best of brothers and best of friends;
And I don't know why.
After angry words and bitter tears.
Haven't spoken in thirty years

One day we may be in peace.
It's not too late to find us.
Hope is something that reminds us,
And love can always find a way.
And the heart is right where love lives,
Peace, you'll find it where the heart is,

Other things you change if you can.
Some things we'll never understand;

And I don't know why.
Somebody wrongs and a mother cries.
Somebody lives, somebody dies;
And I don't know why.
In the midnight air.
Someone shoots a gun
On a city street somewhere,

Relevant Tags:
PPeace ((where TThe HHeart IIs) eace where he eart s) ePace w(here hTe eHart sI) 0eace (wwhere fhe jeart js) 0Peace (here fThe jHeart jIs)
P0eace (hwere Tfhe Hjeart Ijs) leace (ahere 5he ueart 9s) lPeace (awhere 5The uHeart 9Is) Pleace (wahere T5he Hueart I9s) oeace (3here hhe neart ls)
oPeace (3where hThe nHeart lIs) Poeace (w3here Thhe Hneart Ils) Peeace (dhere yhe beart os) Pace (dwhere yThe bHeart oIs) Paece (wdhere Tyhe Hbeart Ios)
Psace (ehere 6he geart ks) Pseace (ewhere 6The gHeart kIs) Pesace (wehere T6he Hgeart Iks) P3ace (shere ghe yeart 8s) P3eace (swhere gThe yHeart 8Is)
Pe3ace (wshere Tghe Hyeart I8s) Pface (2here rhe Heeart us) Pfeace (2where rThe Hart uIs) Peface (w2here Trhe Haert Ius) Prace (qhere Hsart Iss)
Preace (qwhere Te Hseart I) Perace (wqhere Teh Hesart I)s P4ace (whhere Tje H3art Iz) P4eace (were Tjhe H3eart Izs) Pe4ace (wehre Thje He3art Isz)
Pdace (wjere Tue Hfart Iw) Pdeace (wjhere Tuhe Hfeart Iws) Pedace (whjere Thue Hefart Isw) Pwace (wuere Tne Hrart Id) Pweace (wuhere Tnhe Hreart Ids)
Pewace (whuere Thne Herart Isd) Peaace (wnere Tbe H4art Ie) Pece (wnhere Tbhe H4eart Ies) Pecae (whnere Thbe He4art Ise) Pezce (wbere Tge Hdart Ix)
Pezace (wbhere Hdeart Ixs) Peazce (whbere Thge Hedart Isx) Peqce (wgere Tye Hwart Ia) Peqace (wghere Hweart Ias) Peaqce (whgere Thye Hewart Isa)
Pesce (wyere Thee Heaart Is)) (wyhere Th Hert Is Peasce (whyere The Herat Is) Pewce (wheere Ths Hezrt (whre Thse Hezart
Peawce (whree Thes Heazrt Pexce (whsre Th3 Heqrt Pexace (whsere Th3e Heqart Peaxce (whesre The3 Heaqrt Peacce (wh3re Thf Hesrt

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