Jim Ed Brown And The Browns
I Take The Chance

(Charlie Louvin - Ira Louvin)

I take the chance
To lose my soul, my life, my pride
I take the chance
To be with you.

I've tried to live
My life the best I can
I've prayed I'd never cheat
To heed my heart's command.

But dear you know
To one I've been untrue
I wonder if you think
I'd do the same by you.

I take the chance
Of causing you to doubt my love
I take the chance
To be with you.

--- Instrumental ---

I know it's wrong
For us to steal a kiss
But when you hold me
In your arms I can't resist.

I have a home
And someone kind and true
I know I'd lose it all
If I was seen with you.

I take the chance
To lose my soul my life my pride
I take the chance
To be with you...

Mirror lyrics:

To be with you...
I take the chance
To lose my soul my life my pride
I take the chance

If I was seen with you.
I know I'd lose it all
And someone kind and true
I have a home

In your arms I can't resist.
But when you hold me
For us to steal a kiss
I know it's wrong

--- Instrumental ---

To be with you.
I take the chance
Of causing you to doubt my love
I take the chance

I'd do the same by you.
I wonder if you think
To one I've been untrue
But dear you know

To heed my heart's command.
I've prayed I'd never cheat
My life the best I can
I've tried to live

To be with you.
I take the chance
To lose my soul, my life, my pride
I take the chance

(Charlie Louvin - Ira Louvin)

Relevant Tags:
II TTake TThe CChance ake he hance I aTke hTe hCance j fake fhe fhance jI fTake fThe fChance Ij Tfake Tfhe Cfhance
9 5ake 5he xhance 9I 5Take 5The xChance I9 T5ake T5he Cxhance l hake hhe vhance lI hTake hThe vChance Il Thake Thhe Cvhance
o yake yhe dhance oI yTake yThe dChance Io Tyake Tyhe Cdhance k 6ake 6he Chhance kI 6Take 6The Cance Ik T6ake T6he Cahnce
8 gake ghe Cjance 8I gTake gThe Cjhance I8 Tgake Tghe Chjance u rake rhe Cuance uI rTake rThe Cuhance Iu Trake Trhe Chuance
Taake Cnance Tke Te Cnhance Tkae Teh Chnance Tzke Tje Cbance Tzake Tjhe Cbhance Tazke Thje Chbance
Tqke Tue Cgance Tqake Tuhe Cghance Taqke Thue Chgance Tske Tne Cyance Tsake Tnhe Cyhance Taske Thne Chyance
Twke Tbe Chaance Twake Tbhe Chnce Tawke Thbe Chnace Txke Tge Chznce Txake Chzance Taxke Thge Chaznce
Takke Tye Chqnce Tae Chqance Taek Thye Chaqnce Tale Thee Chsnce Talke Th Chsance Takle The Chasnce
Taoe Ths Chwnce Taoke Thse Chwance Takoe Thes Chawnce Tame Th3 Chxnce Tamke Th3e Chxance

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