Owner Of A Lonely Heart

Move yourself
You always live your life
Never thinking of the future
Prove yourself
You are the move you make
Take your chances win or loser

See yourself
You are the steps you take
You and you - and thats the only way

Shake - shake yourself
You're every move you make
So the story goes

Owner of a lonely heart
Owner of a lonely heart
Much better than - a
Owner of a broken heart
Owner of a lonely heart

Say - you don't want to chance it
You've been hurt so before

Watch it now
The eagle in the sky
How he dancin' one and only
You - lose yourself
No not for pity's sake
There's no real reason to be lonely
Be yourself
Give your free will a chance
You've got to want to succeed

Owner of a lonely heart
Owner of a lonely heart
Much better than - a
Owner of a broken heart
Owner of a lonely heart

Owner of a lonely heart

After my own decision
They confused me so - owner of a lonely heart
My love said never question your will at all
In the end you've got to go
Look before you leap - owner of a lonely heart
And don't you hesitate at all - no no

Owner of a lonely heart
Owner of a lonely heart
Much better than - a
Owner of a broken heart
Owner of a lonely heart

Owner of a lonely heart

Sooner or later each conclusion
Will decide the lonely heart - owner of a lonely heart
It will excite it will delight
It will give a better start - owner of a lonely heart

Don't deceive your free will at all
Don't deceive your free will at all - owner of a lonely heart
Don't deceive your free will at all
Just receive it, just receive it

Mirror lyrics:

Just receive it, just receive it
Don't deceive your free will at all
Don't deceive your free will at all - owner of a lonely heart
Don't deceive your free will at all

It will give a better start - owner of a lonely heart
It will excite it will delight
Will decide the lonely heart - owner of a lonely heart
Sooner or later each conclusion

Owner of a lonely heart

Owner of a lonely heart
Owner of a broken heart
Much better than - a
Owner of a lonely heart
Owner of a lonely heart

And don't you hesitate at all - no no
Look before you leap - owner of a lonely heart
In the end you've got to go
My love said never question your will at all
They confused me so - owner of a lonely heart
After my own decision

Owner of a lonely heart

Owner of a lonely heart
Owner of a broken heart
Much better than - a
Owner of a lonely heart
Owner of a lonely heart

You've got to want to succeed
Give your free will a chance
Be yourself
There's no real reason to be lonely
No not for pity's sake
You - lose yourself
How he dancin' one and only
The eagle in the sky
Watch it now

You've been hurt so before
Say - you don't want to chance it

Owner of a lonely heart
Owner of a broken heart
Much better than - a
Owner of a lonely heart
Owner of a lonely heart

So the story goes
You're every move you make
Shake - shake yourself

You and you - and thats the only way
You are the steps you take
See yourself

Take your chances win or loser
You are the move you make
Prove yourself
Never thinking of the future
You always live your life
Move yourself

Relevant Tags:
OOwner OOf AA LLonely HHeart wner f onely eart wOner fO A oLnely eHart kwner kf z konely jeart kOwner kOf zA kLonely jHeart Okwner Okf Az Lkonely Hjeart
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lwner lf w beart lOwner lOf wA Lnely bHeart Olwner Olf Aw Lnoely Hbeart iwner if x Lknely geart iOwner iOf xA gHeart Oiwner Oif Ax Loknely Hgeart
Owwner Off L9nely yeart Oner O L9onely yHeart Onwer Of Lo9nely Hyeart Oaner Oc L0nely Heeart Oawner Ocf L0onely Hart Owaner Ofc Lo0nely Haert
O3ner Or Llnely Hsart O3wner Orf Llonely Hseart Ow3ner Ofr Lolnely Hesart Odner Og Linely H3art Odwner Ogf Lionely H3eart Owdner Ofg Loinely He3art
Oener Ot Lonnely Hfart Oewner Otf Loely Hfeart Owener Oft Loenly Hefart Osner Ov Lomely Hrart Oswner Ovf Lomnely Hreart Owsner Ofv Lonmely Herart
O2ner Od Lohely H4art O2wner Odf Lohnely H4eart Ow2ner Ofd Lonhely He4art Oqner Lojely Hdart Oqwner Lojnely Hdeart Owqner Lonjely Hedart
Ownner Lobely Hwart Ower Lobnely Hweart Owenr Lonbely Hewart Owmer Loneely Heaart Owmner Lonly Hert Ownmer Lonley Herat
Owher Lonsly Hezrt Owhner Lonsely Hezart Ownher Lonesly Heazrt Owjer Lon3ly Heqrt

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