Love Will Find The Way

Love Will Find a Way:

You wanna get close to me
The feeling so clear
But I need some time to see
Vision through my tear
You wanna get next to me
I need your intrusion
I don't need to be
Blinded by confusion

Here is my heart
Waiting for you
Here is my soul
I eat at chez nous

Love will find a way
If you want it to
Love will find a way
Love will find a way for me and you
Love will find a way
Love will find a way
Love will find a way
Love will find a way

So you want to get over me
And that's how you feel
Everything you want to be
Seems so unreal
I want to be all of you
And that's the confusion
It's so hard for me
To draw a conclusion

Here is my heart
Waiting for you
Here is my soul
I eat at chez nous

Love will find a way
If you want it to
Love will find a way
Love will find a way
Love will find a way
If you want it to
Love will find a way
Love will find a way
Love will find a way

I believe that there's a way
If you want it to
Will love find a way
Love will find a way
Will love find a way
Love will find a wa

Mirror lyrics:

Love will find a wa
Will love find a way
Love will find a way
Will love find a way
If you want it to
I believe that there's a way

Love will find a way
Love will find a way
Love will find a way
If you want it to
Love will find a way
Love will find a way
Love will find a way
If you want it to
Love will find a way

I eat at chez nous
Here is my soul
Waiting for you
Here is my heart

To draw a conclusion
It's so hard for me
And that's the confusion
I want to be all of you
Seems so unreal
Everything you want to be
And that's how you feel
So you want to get over me

Love will find a way
Love will find a way
Love will find a way
Love will find a way
Love will find a way for me and you
Love will find a way
If you want it to
Love will find a way

I eat at chez nous
Here is my soul
Waiting for you
Here is my heart

Blinded by confusion
I don't need to be
I need your intrusion
You wanna get next to me
Vision through my tear
But I need some time to see
The feeling so clear
You wanna get close to me

Love Will Find a Way:

Relevant Tags:
LLove WWill FFind TThe WWay ove ill ind he ay oLve iWll iFnd hTe aWy kove aill cind fhe aay kLove aWill cFind fThe aWay Lkove Waill Fcind Tfhe Waay
oove 3ill rind 5he 3ay oLove 3Will rFind 5The 3Way Loove W3ill Frind T5he W3ay pove dill gind hhe day pLove dWill gFind hThe dWay Lpove Wdill Fgind Thhe Wday
eill tind yhe eay Lve eWill tFind yThe eWay Lvoe Weill Ftind Tyhe Weay Lkve sill vind 6he say sWill vFind 6The sWay Lokve Wsill Fvind T6he Wsay
L9ve 2ill dind ghe 2ay L9ove 2Will dFind gThe 2Way Lo9ve W2ill Fdind Tghe W2ay L0ve qill Fiind rhe qay L0ove qWill Fnd rThe qWay Lo0ve Wqill Fnid Trhe Wqay
Llve Wiill Fjnd Llove Wll Fjind Te Wy Lolve Wlil Fijnd Teh Wya Live Wjll F9nd Tje Wzy Liove Wjill F9ind Tjhe Wzay Loive Wijll Fi9nd Thje Wazy
Lovve W9ll Flnd Tue Wqy Loe W9ill Flind Tuhe Loev Wi9ll Filnd Thue Waqy Lobe Wlll Fond Tne Wsy Lobve Wlill Foind Tnhe Lovbe Willl Fiond Thne Wasy
Loce Woll Fknd Tbe Wwy Locve Woill Fkind Tbhe Wway Lovce Wioll Fiknd Thbe Wawy Loge Wkll F8nd Tge Wxy

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