Long Distance Runaround

Long distance runaround
Long time waiting to feel the sound
I still remember the dream there
I still remember the time you said goodbye
Did we really tell lies
Letting in the sunshine
Did we really count to one hundred

Cold summer listening
Hot colour melting the anger to stone
I still remember the dream there
I still remember the time you said goodbye
Did we really tell lies
Letting in the sunshine
Did we really count to one hundred

Long distance runaround
Long time waiting to feel the sound
I still remember the dream there
I still remember the time you said goodbye

Cold summer listening
Hot colour melting the anger to stone
I still remember the dream there
I still remember the time you said goodbye
Did we really tell lies
Letting in the sunshine
Did we really count to one hundred
Looking for the sunshine

Mirror lyrics:

Looking for the sunshine
Did we really count to one hundred
Letting in the sunshine
Did we really tell lies
I still remember the time you said goodbye
I still remember the dream there
Hot colour melting the anger to stone
Cold summer listening

I still remember the time you said goodbye
I still remember the dream there
Long time waiting to feel the sound
Long distance runaround

Did we really count to one hundred
Letting in the sunshine
Did we really tell lies
I still remember the time you said goodbye
I still remember the dream there
Hot colour melting the anger to stone
Cold summer listening

Did we really count to one hundred
Letting in the sunshine
Did we really tell lies
I still remember the time you said goodbye
I still remember the dream there
Long time waiting to feel the sound
Long distance runaround

Relevant Tags:
LLong DDistance RRunaround ong istance unaround oLng iDstance uRnaround kong xistance dunaround kLong xDistance dRunaround Lkong Dxistance Rdunaround
oong eistance 4unaround oLong eDistance 4Runaround Loong Deistance R4unaround pong fistance gunaround pLong fDistance gRunaround Lpong Dfistance Rgunaround
ristance tunaround Lng rDistance tRunaround Lnog Dristance Rtunaround Lkng cistance 5unaround cDistance 5Runaround Lokng Dcistance R5unaround
L9ng sistance funaround L9ong sDistance fRunaround Lo9ng Dsistance Rfunaround L0ng Diistance eunaround L0ong Dstance eRunaround Lo0ng Dsitance Reunaround
Llng Djstance Ruunaround Llong Djistance Rnaround Lolng Dijstance Rnuaround Ling D9stance Rhnaround Liong D9istance Rhunaround Loing Di9stance Ruhnaround
Lonng Dlstance R7naround Log Dlistance R7unaround Logn Dilstance Ru7naround Lomg Dostance Rknaround Lomng Doistance Rkunaround Lonmg Diostance Ruknaround
Lohg Dkstance Rinaround Lohng Dkistance Riunaround Lonhg Dikstance Ruinaround Lojg D8stance R8naround Lojng D8istance R8unaround Lonjg Di8stance Ru8naround
Lobg Dustance Rjnaround Lobng Duistance Rjunaround Lonbg Diustance Rujnaround Longg Disstance Rynaround Lon Ditance Ryunaround Long Ditsance Ruynaround
Lonh Diztance Runnaround Dizstance Ruaround Longh Disztance Ruanround Lony Diwtance Rumaround Lonyg Diwstance Rumnaround Longy Diswtance Runmaround
Lonb Didtance Ruharound Didstance Longb Disdtance Runharound Lonv Dietance Rujaround Lonvg Diestance Longv Disetance Runjaround
Lonf Dixtance Rubaround Lonfg Dixstance Rubnaround Longf Disxtance Runbaround Lont Diatance Runaaround Lontg Diastance Runround Longt Disatance Runraound
Disttance Runzround Disance Runzaround Disatnce Runazround Disfance Runqround Disftance Runqaround Distfance Runaqround
Dis5ance Runsround Dis5tance Runsaround Dist5ance Runasround Dishance Runwround Dishtance Runwaround Disthance Runawround
Disyance Runxround Disytance Runxaround Distyance Runaxround Dis6ance Runarround Dis6tance Runaound Dist6ance Runaorund
Disgance Runadound Disgtance Runadround Distgance Runardound Disrance Runa4ound Disrtance Runa4round

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