Zachary Addison
Can't Undo What Has Already Been Done

Today's the day that I wrote this song,
Two years isn't that long.
Happy Birthday, Kelly.

September 1, 2005, Saturday..are driving by.
As we ate, at Jenny's.

Just wanna.. say, Happy Birthday,
Happy Birthday, Kelly
Just wanna say, Happy Birthday,
Happy Birthday, Kelly

Felt like I did something wrong,
Causing me to sing this song,
But hey, I'm so funny.

So you and I, as time went,
Lost touch, I don't know why.
Hopefully now you can look me in the eye.

Know how your mother made me feel blue,
I hope happiness has found you.
Happy Birthday Kelly.

Just wanna say, Happy Birthday,
Happy Birthday my Kelly


Mirror lyrics:


Happy Birthday my Kelly
Just wanna say, Happy Birthday,

Happy Birthday Kelly.
I hope happiness has found you.
Know how your mother made me feel blue,

Hopefully now you can look me in the eye.
Lost touch, I don't know why.
So you and I, as time went,

But hey, I'm so funny.
Causing me to sing this song,
Felt like I did something wrong,

Happy Birthday, Kelly
Just wanna say, Happy Birthday,
Happy Birthday, Kelly
Just wanna.. say, Happy Birthday,

As we ate, at Jenny's.
September 1, 2005, Saturday..are driving by.

Happy Birthday, Kelly.
Two years isn't that long.
Today's the day that I wrote this song,

Relevant Tags:
CCan't UUndo WWhat HHas AAlready BBeen DDone an't ndo hat as lready een one aCn't nUdo hWat aHs lAready eBen oDne
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xan't 7ndo 3hat uas qlready geen eone xCan't 7Undo 3What uHas qAlready gBeen eDone Cxan't U7ndo W3hat Huas Aqlready Bgeen Deone
van't kndo dhat nas slready neen fone vCan't kUndo dWhat nHas sAlready nBeen fDone Cvan't Ukndo Wdhat Hnas Aslready Bneen Dfone
dan't indo ehat bas wlready heen rone dCan't iUndo eWhat bHas wAlready hBeen rDone Cdan't Uindo Wehat Hbas Awlready Bheen Drone
Caan't 8ndo shat gas xlready Beeen cone Cn't 8Undo sWhat gHas xAlready Ben cDone Cna't U8ndo Wshat Hgas Axlready Been Dcone
Czn't jndo 2hat yas Allready Bsen sone Czan't jUndo 2What yHas Aready Bseen sDone Cazn't Ujndo W2hat Hyas Arleady Besen Dsone
Cqn't yndo qhat Haas Akready B3en Doone Cqan't yUndo qWhat Hs Aklready B3een Dne Caqn't Uyndo Wqhat Hsa Alkready Be3en Dnoe
Csn't Unndo Whhat Hzs Aoready Bfen Dkne Csan't Udo Wat Hzas Aolready Bfeen Dkone Casn't Udno Waht Hazs Aloready Befen Dokne
Cwn't Umdo Wjat Hqs Apready Bren D9ne Cwan't Umndo Wjhat Hqas Aplready Breen D9one Cawn't Unmdo Whjat Haqs Alpready Beren Do9ne
Cxn't Uhdo Wuat Hss Alrready B4en D0ne Wuhat Hsas Aleady B4een D0one Caxn't Unhdo Whuat Hass Alerady Be4en Do0ne
Cann't Ujdo Wnat Hws Aldeady Bden Dlne Ca't Wnhat Hwas Aldready Bdeen Dlone Ca'nt Unjdo Whnat Haws Alrdeady Beden Dolne
Cam't Ubdo Wbat Hxs Al4eady Bwen Dine Camn't Ubndo Wbhat Hxas Al4ready Bween Dione Canm't Unbdo Whbat Haxs Alr4eady Bewen Doine
Cah't Unddo Wgat Algeady Donne Cahn't Uno Wghat Ha Algready Doe Canh't Unod Whgat Has Alrgeady Bene Doen
Caj't Unxo Wyat Haz Alteady Besn Dome Cajn't Unxdo Wyhat Altready Domne Canj't Undxo Whyat Hasz Alrteady Beesn Donme
Cab't Uneo Whaat Haw Al5eady Be3n Dohe Cabn't Unedo Wht Al5ready Dohne Canb't Undeo Whta Hasw Alr5eady Bee3n Donhe
Can''t Unfo Whzt Had Alfeady Befn Doje Cant Unfdo Whzat Hads Alfready Dojne Cant' Undfo Whazt Hasd Alrfeady Beefn Donje
Can'tt Unro Whqt Hae Aleeady Bern Dobe Can' Unrdo Whqat Haes Aleready Dobne Can't Undro Whaqt Hase Alreeady Beern Donbe
Can'f Unco Whst Hax Be4n Donee Can'ft Uncdo Whsat Alrady Don Can'tf Undco Whast Hasx Alraedy Bee4n Done
Can'5 Unso Whwt Haa Alrsady Bedn Dons Can'5t Unsdo Whwat Alrseady Donse Can't5 Undso Whawt Hasa Alresady Beedn Dones
Can'h Undoo Whxt Alr3ady Bewn Don3 Can'ht Und Whxat Alr3eady Don3e Can'th Undo Whaxt Alre3ady Beewn Done3
Can'y Undk Whatt Alrfady Beenn Donf Can'yt Undko Wha Bee Donfe Can'ty Undok What Alrefady Donef

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