Censored Project

Censored Project

Refusing to see all of those infected minds
Just to feel better in your own veins
Asking yourself why and how to share all those visions
And more this nightmares of that lost humanity
Closed recipient filled of ominous spikes

Don't enter my private desires
Bad habits are ruling forever
Pushing the door of a closed reality
For the science or any other learning

Metaphor of colors
Blood red black
Altar of flesh
Razor's cuts macabre breath of creation
Remembering old deception


The wounds created by the flesh
Seem to be occulted by all of us
Metaphor of colors
Blood red black
Altar of flesh razor's cuts
Closed recipient filled of ominous spikes


Little by little truth's blood runs among us as an empty river
I'm like you making the black side
To reason and to kill the ideal lineage

Mirror lyrics:

To reason and to kill the ideal lineage
I'm like you making the black side
Little by little truth's blood runs among us as an empty river


Closed recipient filled of ominous spikes
Altar of flesh razor's cuts
Blood red black
Metaphor of colors
Seem to be occulted by all of us
The wounds created by the flesh


Remembering old deception
Razor's cuts macabre breath of creation
Altar of flesh
Blood red black
Metaphor of colors

For the science or any other learning
Pushing the door of a closed reality
Bad habits are ruling forever
Don't enter my private desires

Closed recipient filled of ominous spikes
And more this nightmares of that lost humanity
Asking yourself why and how to share all those visions
Just to feel better in your own veins
Refusing to see all of those infected minds

Censored Project

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