Zach Nelson
I'm Worth It

I know you're in a lot,
And i wanna help you so,
But the only thing you'll let me do,
Is give advice you know,

So all I ask of you,
Is that you won't give up,
Because I know I'm worth it,
And that you're worth it too

Mirror lyrics:

And that you're worth it too
Because I know I'm worth it,
Is that you won't give up,
So all I ask of you,

Is give advice you know,
But the only thing you'll let me do,
And i wanna help you so,
I know you're in a lot,

Relevant Tags:
II'm WWorth IIt 'm orth t 'Im oWrth tI j'm aorth jt jI'm aWorth jIt Ij'm Waorth Ijt 9'm 3orth 9t 9I'm 3Worth 9It I9'm W3orth I9t
l'm dorth lt lI'm dWorth lIt Il'm Wdorth Ilt o'm eorth ot oI'm eWorth oIt Io'm Weorth Iot k'm sorth kt kI'm sWorth kIt Ik'm Wsorth Ikt
8'm 2orth 8t 8I'm 2Worth 8It I8'm W2orth I8t u'm qorth ut uI'm qWorth uIt Iu'm Wqorth Iut I''m Woorth Itt Im Wrth I Im' Wroth It
I'mm Wkrth If I' Wkorth Ift I'm Wokrth Itf I'j W9rth I5 I'jm W9orth I5t I'mj Wo9rth It5 I'k W0rth Ih I'km W0orth Iht I'mk Wo0rth Ith
I'n Wlrth Iy I'nm Wlorth Iyt I'mn Wolrth Ity Wirth I6 Wiorth I6t Woirth It6 Worrth Ig Woth Igt Wotrh Itg
Wodth Ir Wodrth Irt Wordth Itr Wo4th Wo4rth Wor4th Wogth

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