Zach Swift
Things Have Changed

I thought for sure
We were headed for the light
Remember those clear wonderful nights
How I knew
Exactly what you thought
And what you'd do
My life revolved around you

You were there
And I was here
But we were somewhere between

I don't know if it's you or if it's me
But things are different
And I'm questioning
I don't know if it's good or if it's bad but things have changed
And I'm questioning my memory

Now that things
Suddenly have changed
Am I to blame
For the questions in my brain
Was I drowning
In my own imagination
Was it real
Cause if it was it's me not you

You were there
And I was here
But we were somewhere between

I don't know if it's you or if it's me
But things are different
And I'm questioning
I don't know if it's good or if it's bad but things have changed
And I'm questioning my memory

Things have changed am I the cause am I the blame it's not the same
I know it's real cause I can feel I can feel
Imaginations cause sensations And I know that it takes patience
Was it me or you Were we really there

Mirror lyrics:

Was it me or you Were we really there
Imaginations cause sensations And I know that it takes patience
I know it's real cause I can feel I can feel
Things have changed am I the cause am I the blame it's not the same

And I'm questioning my memory
I don't know if it's good or if it's bad but things have changed
And I'm questioning
But things are different
I don't know if it's you or if it's me

But we were somewhere between
And I was here
You were there

Cause if it was it's me not you
Was it real
In my own imagination
Was I drowning
For the questions in my brain
Am I to blame
Suddenly have changed
Now that things

And I'm questioning my memory
I don't know if it's good or if it's bad but things have changed
And I'm questioning
But things are different
I don't know if it's you or if it's me

But we were somewhere between
And I was here
You were there

My life revolved around you
And what you'd do
Exactly what you thought
How I knew
Remember those clear wonderful nights
We were headed for the light
I thought for sure

Relevant Tags:
TThings HHave CChanged hings ave hanged hTings aHve hCanged fhings jave fhanged fThings jHave fChanged Tfhings Hjave Cfhanged
5hings uave xhanged 5Things uHave xChanged T5hings Huave Cxhanged hhings nave vhanged hThings nHave vChanged Thhings Hnave Cvhanged
yhings bave dhanged yThings bHave dChanged Tyhings Hbave Cdhanged 6hings gave Chhanged 6Things gHave Canged T6hings Hgave Cahnged
ghings yave Cjanged gThings yHave Cjhanged Tghings Hyave Chjanged rhings Haave Cuanged rThings Hve Cuhanged Trhings Hvae Chuanged
Hzve Cnanged Tings Hzave Cnhanged Tihngs Hazve Chnanged Tjings Hqve Cbanged Tjhings Hqave Cbhanged Thjings Haqve Chbanged
Tuings Hsve Cganged Tuhings Hsave Cghanged Thuings Hasve Chganged Tnings Hwve Cyanged Tnhings Hwave Cyhanged Thnings Hawve Chyanged
Tbings Hxve Chaanged Tbhings Hxave Chnged Thbings Haxve Chnaged Tgings Havve Chznged Hae Chzanged Thgings Haev Chaznged
Tyings Habe Chqnged Habve Chqanged Thyings Havbe Chaqnged Thiings Hace Chsnged Thngs Hacve Chsanged Thnigs Havce Chasnged
Thjngs Hage Chwnged Hagve Chwanged Thijngs Havge Chawnged Th9ngs Hafe Chxnged Th9ings Hafve Chxanged Thi9ngs Havfe Chaxnged
Thlngs Havee Channged Thlings Hav Chaged Thilngs Have Chagned Thongs Havs Chamged Thoings Havse Chamnged Thiongs Haves Chanmged
Thkngs Hav3 Chahged Thkings Hav3e Chahnged Thikngs Have3 Chanhged Th8ngs Havf Chajged

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