Yung Berg
We Miss You (michael Jackson Tribute) (feat. Lil W...

Let's go!
No more __ talk
No more white glove
No more moonwalk
Showed me how to look at the man in the mirror
I see how they heal the world you couldn't paint a better picture
Michael we miss you
What we do without you?
I'mma keep you in my heart no matter what they say about you
How can I explain this? There never been a man better
When it comes to entertaining
So haters take a beating and leave alone
Damn you shined, I remember the time
I remember Mike,
And Billy Jean was not my lover

Mike we love ya, Mike we miss ya
There could never be another entertainer
Mike we love ya, Mike we miss ya
I swear that heaven sent down an angel
When He sent you, when He sent you, when He sent you

Put your lighters up, Put your lighters up

Mirror lyrics:

Put your lighters up, Put your lighters up

When He sent you, when He sent you, when He sent you
I swear that heaven sent down an angel
Mike we love ya, Mike we miss ya
There could never be another entertainer
Mike we love ya, Mike we miss ya

And Billy Jean was not my lover
I remember Mike,
Damn you shined, I remember the time
So haters take a beating and leave alone
When it comes to entertaining
How can I explain this? There never been a man better
I'mma keep you in my heart no matter what they say about you
What we do without you?
Michael we miss you
I see how they heal the world you couldn't paint a better picture
Showed me how to look at the man in the mirror
No more moonwalk
No more white glove
No more __ talk
Let's go!

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Mies Yo7 (mivhael Javkson Triibute) (feaat. Miess Yo7u (mivchael Javckson Trbute) (fet.
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