Ombra Mai Fu

Ombra Mai fu
Di vegetabile
Cara ed amabile
Soave piu.

Frondi tenere e bell
Del mio Platano amato,
Per voi risplenda il Fato
Tuoni, Lampi, e Procelle
Non vi oltraggino mai la cara pace,
Ne giunga a profanarvi Austro rapace.


Never was there a shadow
Of Branches
Sweeter, more refreshing
Or more gentle

Tender and beautiful fronds
Of my beloved plane tree
Let fate smile upon you
May thunder, lightning, and storms
Never bother your dear peace
Nor may you by blowing winds be profaned

Mirror lyrics:

Nor may you by blowing winds be profaned
Never bother your dear peace
May thunder, lightning, and storms
Let fate smile upon you
Of my beloved plane tree
Tender and beautiful fronds

Or more gentle
Sweeter, more refreshing
Of Branches
Never was there a shadow


Ne giunga a profanarvi Austro rapace.
Non vi oltraggino mai la cara pace,
Tuoni, Lampi, e Procelle
Per voi risplenda il Fato
Del mio Platano amato,
Frondi tenere e bell

Soave piu.
Cara ed amabile
Di vegetabile
Ombra Mai fu

Relevant Tags:
OOmbra MMai FFu mbra ai u mObra aMi uF kmbra jai cu kOmbra jMai cFu Okmbra Mjai Fcu 9mbra kai ru 9Ombra kMai rFu O9mbra Mkai Fru
0mbra nai gu 0Ombra nMai gFu O0mbra Mnai Fgu lmbra Maai tu lOmbra Mi tFu Olmbra Mia Ftu imbra Mzi vu iOmbra Mzai vFu Oimbra Mazi Fvu
Ommbra Mqi du Obra Mqai dFu Obmra Maqi Fdu Ojbra Msi Fuu Ojmbra Msai F Omjbra Masi Fu Okbra Mwi Fh Mwai Fhu Omkbra Mawi Fuh
Onbra Mxi F7 Onmbra Mxai F7u Omnbra Maxi Fu7 Ombbra Maii Fk Omra Ma Fku Omrba Mai Fuk Omvra Maj Fi Omvbra Maji Fiu Ombvra Maij Fui
Omgra Ma9 F8 Omgbra Ma9i F8u Ombgra Mai9 Fu8 Omnra Mal Fj Mali Fju Ombnra Mail Fuj

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