Yu Yu Hakusho
The Sun Will Shine Again

When my letter reaches you
Please don't break the seal
Just wait a little while
Give it time to heal

And I believe you'll understand
Just exactly how I feel
This is my last and my most loving request

With a restless innocence
Our hearts began to race
With one thing on our minds
We foolishly embraced

And now as twilight closes in
I see you from a distant place
And I wish for you all the courage that you'll ever need
To be your best

And although it storms and it's raining outside
All the people of the city still believe in the existance of the sun
And a forgotten melody
And the birds in our hands
A life without pain
Is a life without joy, without fun!

Mirror lyrics:

Is a life without joy, without fun!
A life without pain
And the birds in our hands
And a forgotten melody
All the people of the city still believe in the existance of the sun
And although it storms and it's raining outside

To be your best
And I wish for you all the courage that you'll ever need
I see you from a distant place
And now as twilight closes in

We foolishly embraced
With one thing on our minds
Our hearts began to race
With a restless innocence

This is my last and my most loving request
Just exactly how I feel
And I believe you'll understand

Give it time to heal
Just wait a little while
Please don't break the seal
When my letter reaches you

Relevant Tags:
TThe SSun WWill SShine AAgain he un ill hine gain hTe uSn iWll hSine gAain fhe zun aill zhine zgain fThe zSun aWill zShine zAgain Tfhe Szun Waill Szhine Azgain
5he wun 3ill whine qgain 5The wSun 3Will wShine qAgain T5he Swun W3ill Swhine Aqgain hhe dun dill dhine sgain hThe dSun dWill dShine sAgain Thhe Sdun Wdill Sdhine Asgain
yhe eun eill ehine wgain yThe eSun eWill eShine wAgain Tyhe Seun Weill Sehine Awgain 6he xun sill xhine xgain 6The xSun sWill xShine xAgain T6he Sxun Wsill Sxhine Axgain
ghe aun 2ill ahine Aggain gThe aSun 2Will aShine Aain Tghe Saun W2ill Sahine Aagin rhe Suun qill Shhine Ahain rThe Sn qWill Sine Ahgain Trhe Snu Wqill Sihne Aghain
Shn Wiill Sjine Ayain Te Shun Wll Sjhine Aygain Teh Suhn Wlil Shjine Agyain Tje S7n Wjll Suine Abain Tjhe S7un Wjill Suhine Abgain Thje Su7n Wijll Shuine Agbain
Tue Skn W9ll Snine Avain Tuhe Skun W9ill Snhine Avgain Thue Sukn Wi9ll Shnine Agvain Tne Sin Wlll Sbine Afain Tnhe Siun Wlill Sbhine Afgain Thne Suin Willl Shbine Agfain
Tbe S8n Woll Sgine Atain Tbhe S8un Woill Sghine Atgain Thbe Su8n Wioll Shgine Agtain Tge Sjn Wkll Syine Agaain Sjun Wkill Syhine Agin Thge Sujn Wikll Shyine Agian
Tye Syn W8ll Shiine Agzin Syun W8ill Shne Agzain Thye Suyn Wi8ll Shnie Agazin Thee Sunn Wull Shjne Agqin Th Su Wuill Agqain The Sun Wiull Shijne Agaqin
Ths Sum Sh9ne Agsin Thse Sumn Wil Sh9ine Agsain Thes Sunm Will Shi9ne Agasin

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