Yu Yu Hakusho
The Homework Doesn't End

"The pointed second hand counts down the life I lead,
Marking off my legacy of worldly deeds,
Tick Tock, Tick
Constantly I think of things I can't complete,
Well it's time to throw them into the back seat...
Son of a Gun!
Life's a fleeting dream don't let it go...
Ya gotta make the most of it you know.
Don't stop now, don't let it slip away,
Live it up while you can and don't delay,
For the fleeting dreams they never stay..."

Mirror lyrics:

For the fleeting dreams they never stay..."
Live it up while you can and don't delay,
Don't stop now, don't let it slip away,
Ya gotta make the most of it you know.
Life's a fleeting dream don't let it go...
Son of a Gun!
Well it's time to throw them into the back seat...
Constantly I think of things I can't complete,
Tick Tock, Tick
Marking off my legacy of worldly deeds,
"The pointed second hand counts down the life I lead,

Relevant Tags:
TThe HHomework DDoesn't EEnd he omework oesn't nd hTe oHmework oDesn't nEd fhe jomework xoesn't snd fThe jHomework xDoesn't sEnd Tfhe Hjomework Dxoesn't Esnd
5he uomework eoesn't 3nd 5The uHomework eDoesn't 3End T5he Huomework Deoesn't E3nd hhe nomework foesn't fnd hThe nHomework fDoesn't fEnd Thhe Hnomework Dfoesn't Efnd
yhe bomework roesn't rnd yThe bHomework rDoesn't rEnd Tyhe Hbomework Droesn't Ernd 6he gomework coesn't 4nd 6The gHomework cDoesn't 4End T6he Hgomework Dcoesn't E4nd
ghe yomework soesn't dnd gThe yHomework sDoesn't dEnd Tghe Hyomework Dsoesn't Ednd rhe Hoomework Dooesn't wnd rThe Hmework Desn't wEnd Trhe Hmoework Deosn't Ewnd
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Tbe Himework Diesn't Ebd Tbhe Hiomework Dioesn't Ebnd Thbe Hoimework Doiesn't Enbd Tge Hommework Doeesn't Endd Hoework Dosn't En Thge Hoemwork Dosen't End
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