Move Dance Be Born

Be born

Moving on the dance floor
I'm a victim of the rhythm...
(sorry, this is way too fast for me!)

Lose your body
Leave your mind
Somewhere, sometimes

Mirror lyrics:

Somewhere, sometimes
Leave your mind
Lose your body

(sorry, this is way too fast for me!)
I'm a victim of the rhythm...
Moving on the dance floor

Be born

Relevant Tags:
MMove DDance BBe BBorn ove ance e orn oMve aDnce eB oBrn jove xance ve vorn jMove xDance vBe vBorn Mjove Dxance Bve Bvorn
kove eance ge gorn kMove eDance gBe gBorn Mkove Deance Bge Bgorn nove fance ne norn nMove fDance nBe nBorn Mnove Dfance Bne Bnorn
Moove rance he horn Mve rDance hBe hBorn Mvoe Drance Bhe Bhorn Mkve cance Bee Boorn cDance B Brn Mokve Dcance Be Bron
M9ve sance Bs Bkrn M9ove sDance Bse Bkorn Mo9ve Dsance Bes Bokrn M0ve Daance B3 B9rn M0ove Dnce B3e B9orn Mo0ve Dnace Be3 Bo9rn
Mlve Dznce Bf B0rn Mlove Dzance Bfe B0orn Molve Daznce Bef Bo0rn Mive Dqnce Br Blrn Miove Dqance Bre Blorn Moive Daqnce Ber Bolrn
Movve Dsnce B4 Birn Moe B4e Biorn Moev Dasnce Be4 Boirn Mobe Dwnce Bd Borrn Mobve Dwance Bde Bon Movbe Dawnce Bed Bonr
Moce Dxnce Bw Bodn Mocve Bwe Bodrn Movce Daxnce Bew Bordn Moge Dannce Bo4n Mogve Dace Bo4rn Movge Dacne Bor4n
Mofe Damce Bogn Mofve Damnce Bogrn Movfe Danmce Borgn

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