Yeah Yeah Yeahs
The Sweets

Green shadow
Want to wait all o- all over me
The end will shelter me away from me
Can we meet again
Meet and meet and meet and meet again
Can you fill the can
If you can feel me

Who you followin'?
Who you starting to move like?
Who you falling for?
Who you falling for?
Whose lies?
Who you followin'?
Who you falling for?
This sound's on your side!

Secret blue, purple, pink and green right over it
Hold on 'cause the coldest hasn't thawed yet
Well, if we meet again
Meet and meet and meet and meet again
Can you catch the can, if you can fill it

How will you want something to hit with
Again and again and again and again
What's your crime?
What's your crime?
Well how will you want
How will she sit
What's been and again and again and again and again?
What's your crime?
What's your, what's your, what's your, what's your, what's your crime, crime, crime.

Mirror lyrics:

What's your, what's your, what's your, what's your, what's your crime, crime, crime.
What's your crime?
What's been and again and again and again and again?
How will she sit
Well how will you want
What's your crime?
What's your crime?
Again and again and again and again
How will you want something to hit with

Can you catch the can, if you can fill it
Meet and meet and meet and meet again
Well, if we meet again
Hold on 'cause the coldest hasn't thawed yet
Secret blue, purple, pink and green right over it

This sound's on your side!
Who you falling for?
Who you followin'?
Whose lies?
Who you falling for?
Who you falling for?
Who you starting to move like?
Who you followin'?

If you can feel me
Can you fill the can
Meet and meet and meet and meet again
Can we meet again
The end will shelter me away from me
Want to wait all o- all over me
Green shadow

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TThe SSweets he weets hTe wSeets fhe zweets fThe zSweets Tfhe Szweets 5he wweets 5The wSweets T5he Swweets hhe dweets hThe dSweets
Thhe Sdweets yhe eweets yThe eSweets Tyhe Seweets 6he xweets 6The xSweets T6he Sxweets ghe aweets gThe aSweets Tghe Saweets rhe
rThe Seets Trhe Sewets Saeets Te Teh Swaeets Tje S3eets Tjhe S3weets Thje Sw3eets Tue Sdeets Tuhe Thue Swdeets
Tne Seeets Tnhe Thne Sweeets Tbe Sseets Tbhe Ssweets Thbe Swseets Tge S2eets S2weets Thge Sw2eets Tye Sqeets Sqweets
Thye Swqeets Thee Th Swets The Sweets Ths Swsets Thse Thes Swesets Th3 Sw3ets Th3e The3 Swe3ets Thf Swfets
Thfe Swfeets Thef Swefets Thr Swrets Thre Swreets

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