Yellow Second
Month In Passing

my friend

the flower taking flight

on end of any open field alight

tell me the shadows standing still

miss me just say that you will

a month in passing never noticed you

a month of passing time in solitude

while at the base of yet another day, it's ok

another month is standing in the way

my friend

like a needle stick your stem

the skin of mother earth to prick

it bleeds the blood of second thought

indeed, regret slows the clot

a silver start, a solitary dime

could take apart, disarm this

with a minute of your time, my friend

Mirror lyrics:

with a minute of your time, my friend

could take apart, disarm this

a silver start, a solitary dime

indeed, regret slows the clot

it bleeds the blood of second thought

the skin of mother earth to prick

like a needle stick your stem

my friend

another month is standing in the way

while at the base of yet another day, it's ok

a month of passing time in solitude

a month in passing never noticed you

miss me just say that you will

tell me the shadows standing still

on end of any open field alight

the flower taking flight

my friend

Relevant Tags:
MMonth IIn PPassing onth n assing oMnth nI aPssing jonth jn 0assing jMonth jIn 0Passing Mjonth Ijn P0assing konth 9n lassing
kMonth 9In lPassing Mkonth I9n Plassing nonth ln oassing nMonth lIn oPassing Mnonth Iln Poassing Moonth on Paassing Mnth oIn Pssing
Mnoth Ion Psasing Mknth kn Pzssing kIn Pzassing Moknth Ikn Pazssing M9nth 8n Pqssing M9onth 8In Pqassing Mo9nth I8n Paqssing
M0nth un Psssing M0onth uIn Psassing Mo0nth Iun Passsing Mlnth Inn Pwssing Mlonth I Pwassing Molnth In Pawssing Minth Im Pxssing
Mionth Imn Pxassing Mointh Inm Paxssing Monnth Ih Moth Ihn Pasing Motnh Inh Passing Momth Ij Pazsing Momnth
Monmth Inj Paszsing Mohth Ib Pawsing Mohnth Ibn Monhth Inb Paswsing Mojth Padsing Mojnth Padssing Monjth Pasdsing
Mobth Paesing Mobnth Paessing Monbth Pasesing Montth Paxsing Monh Monht Pasxsing Monfh Paasing
Monfth Montfh Pasasing Mon5h Mon5th Mont5h Pasisng Monhh Paszing Monthh Passzing
Monyh Paswing

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