Yellow Second
Crowded Airwaves

i've been feeling beat and brokenhearted

don't want to complete the things i've started

the noise, the fuzz, the radiating buzz

(the way everything does)

it's so loud

surprised, ashamed, the object of the game

is sounding all the same

it surrounds

sky deliver me before i'm bled

from the crowded airwaves overhead

conquered and undone

so worn and faded

when everything's become

so complicated

a lot to say, but always on the fray

and never in the way you wanted

and so, for me a decent melody

is what i want to leave undaunted

an old song, an old line

it's ok it's all fine

convince me what is good

what i like what i should do

Mirror lyrics:

what i like what i should do

convince me what is good

it's ok it's all fine

an old song, an old line

is what i want to leave undaunted

and so, for me a decent melody

and never in the way you wanted

a lot to say, but always on the fray

so complicated

when everything's become

so worn and faded

conquered and undone

from the crowded airwaves overhead

sky deliver me before i'm bled

it surrounds

is sounding all the same

surprised, ashamed, the object of the game

it's so loud

(the way everything does)

the noise, the fuzz, the radiating buzz

don't want to complete the things i've started

i've been feeling beat and brokenhearted

Relevant Tags:
CCrowded AAirwaves rowded irwaves rCowded iArwaves frowded zirwaves fCrowded zAirwaves Cfrowded Azirwaves xrowded qirwaves
xCrowded qAirwaves Cxrowded Aqirwaves vrowded sirwaves vCrowded sAirwaves Cvrowded Asirwaves drowded wirwaves dCrowded wAirwaves
Cdrowded Awirwaves Crrowded xirwaves Cowded xAirwaves Corwded Axirwaves Cdowded Aiirwaves Arwaves Crdowded Ariwaves
C4owded Ajrwaves C4rowded Ajirwaves Cr4owded Aijrwaves Cgowded A9rwaves Cgrowded A9irwaves Crgowded Ai9rwaves Ctowded Alrwaves
Ctrowded Alirwaves Crtowded Ailrwaves C5owded Aorwaves C5rowded Aoirwaves Cr5owded Aiorwaves Cfowded Akrwaves Akirwaves
Crfowded Aikrwaves Ceowded A8rwaves Cerowded A8irwaves Creowded Ai8rwaves Croowded Aurwaves Crwded Auirwaves Crwoded Aiurwaves
Crkwded Airrwaves Crkowded Aiwaves Crokwded Aiwraves Cr9wded Aidwaves Cr9owded Aidrwaves Cro9wded Airdwaves Cr0wded Ai4waves
Cr0owded Ai4rwaves Cro0wded Air4waves Crlwded Aigwaves Crlowded Aigrwaves Crolwded Airgwaves Criwded Aitwaves Criowded Aitrwaves
Croiwded Airtwaves Crowwded Ai5waves Croded Ai5rwaves Crodwed Air5waves Croaded Aifwaves Croawded Aifrwaves Crowaded Airfwaves
Cro3ded Aiewaves Cro3wded Aierwaves Crow3ded Airewaves Crodded Airwwaves Crodwded Airaves Crowdded Airawves Croeded Airaaves
Croewded Airawaves Croweded Airwaaves Crosded Air3aves Croswded Air3waves Crowsded Airw3aves Cro2ded Airdaves Cro2wded
Crow2ded Airwdaves Croqded Aireaves

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