Yngwie Malmsteen
I'd Die Without You

I'd sacrifice, whatever's left of me
Been livin' lies then you set me free
You've given more than I ever had
I give to you all over again

We've grown so strong
Over and over again
Though things have gone wrong
My love

There is no higher love than we have
You know I'd die without you
There are no lies, we left them behind
I'd surely die without you

I've never tried, tried this hard
I've never cried, never gone so far
Even the Gods, can't set us apart
It's engraved deep in our hearts

We've grown so strong
Over and over again
Though things have gone wrong
My love

There is no higher love than we have
You know I'd die without you
There are no lies, we left them behind
I'd surely die without you

Mirror lyrics:

I'd surely die without you
There are no lies, we left them behind
You know I'd die without you
There is no higher love than we have

My love
Though things have gone wrong
Over and over again
We've grown so strong

It's engraved deep in our hearts
Even the Gods, can't set us apart
I've never cried, never gone so far
I've never tried, tried this hard

I'd surely die without you
There are no lies, we left them behind
You know I'd die without you
There is no higher love than we have

My love
Though things have gone wrong
Over and over again
We've grown so strong

I give to you all over again
You've given more than I ever had
Been livin' lies then you set me free
I'd sacrifice, whatever's left of me

Relevant Tags:
II'd DDie WWithout YYou 'd ie ithout ou 'Id iDe iWthout oYu j'd xie aithout gou jI'd xDie aWithout gYou Ij'd Dxie Waithout Ygou
9'd eie 3ithout hou 9I'd eDie 3Without hYou I9'd Deie W3ithout Yhou l'd fie dithout 6ou lI'd fDie dWithout 6You Il'd Dfie Wdithout Y6ou
o'd rie eithout uou oI'd rDie eWithout uYou Io'd Drie Weithout Yuou k'd cie sithout 7ou kI'd cDie sWithout 7You Ik'd Dcie Wsithout Y7ou
8'd sie 2ithout jou 8I'd sDie 2Without jYou I8'd Dsie W2ithout Yjou u'd Diie qithout tou uI'd De qWithout tYou Iu'd Dei Wqithout Ytou
I''d Dje Wiithout Yoou Id Djie Wthout Yu Id' Dije Wtihout Yuo I'dd D9e Wjthout Yku I' D9ie Wjithout Ykou I'd Di9e Wijthout Yoku
I'x Dle W9thout Y9u I'xd Dlie W9ithout Y9ou I'dx Dile Wi9thout Yo9u I'e Doe Wlthout Y0u I'ed Doie Wlithout Y0ou I'de Dioe Wilthout Yo0u
I'f Dke Wothout Ylu I'fd Dkie Woithout Ylou I'df Dike Wiothout Yolu I'r D8e Wkthout Yiu I'rd D8ie Wkithout Yiou I'dr Di8e Wikthout Yoiu
I'c Due W8thout Youu I'cd Duie W8ithout Yo I'dc Diue Wi8thout You I's Diee Wuthout Yoh I'sd Di Wuithout Yohu I'ds Die Wiuthout Youh
Dis Witthout Yo7 Dise Wihout Yo7u Dies Wihtout You7 Di3 Wifhout Yok Di3e Wifthout Die3 Witfhout Youk
Dif Wi5hout Yoi Dife Wi5thout Dief Wit5hout Youi Dir Wihhout Yo8 Dire Wihthout Yo8u Dier Withhout You8
Di4 Wiyhout Yoj Di4e Wiythout Yoju Die4 Wityhout Youj Did Wi6hout Yoy Dide Wi6thout Yoyu Died Wit6hout Youy
Diw Wighout Diwe Wigthout Diew Witghout Wirhout Wirthout Witrhout
Witout Witohut Witjout

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