Yngwie Malmsteen
Damnation Game

Damnation Game
Damnation Game
Now I won my freedom
But I had to pay the price
I keep on searching
But I never seem to find what I need
It's all just like a dream
The European I had to fight
I had no choice but it made me wiser
And now I won't fall into the night
Now you must roll the dice
Roll the dice
And meet your own demise
The European always lies
Always lies

Nobody wins
In this damnation game
No body wins
In this damnation game
I draw the card
It's the ace of spades
I always play for keeps
And I'll never ever fade away
It's the devil to pay
Patience is a virtue
But now it's wearing thin
You play the game
But you will never ever win
Your living a sin
Now you must roll the dice
Roll the dice
And meet your own demise
The European always lies
Always lies
Nobody wins
In this damnation game
Nobody wins
In this damnation game
Nobody wins
In this damnation game
Nobody wins
In this damnation game

Mirror lyrics:

In this damnation game
Nobody wins
In this damnation game
Nobody wins
In this damnation game
Nobody wins
In this damnation game
Nobody wins
Always lies
The European always lies
And meet your own demise
Roll the dice
Now you must roll the dice
Your living a sin
But you will never ever win
You play the game
But now it's wearing thin
Patience is a virtue
It's the devil to pay
And I'll never ever fade away
I always play for keeps
It's the ace of spades
I draw the card
In this damnation game
No body wins
In this damnation game
Nobody wins

Always lies
The European always lies
And meet your own demise
Roll the dice
Now you must roll the dice
And now I won't fall into the night
I had no choice but it made me wiser
The European I had to fight
It's all just like a dream
But I never seem to find what I need
I keep on searching
But I had to pay the price
Now I won my freedom
Damnation Game
Damnation Game

Relevant Tags:
DDamnation GGame amnation ame aDmnation aGme xamnation hame xDamnation hGame Dxamnation Ghame eamnation yame eDamnation yGame
Deamnation Gyame famnation bame fDamnation bGame Dfamnation Gbame ramnation vame rDamnation vGame Dramnation Gvame camnation fame
cDamnation fGame Dcamnation Gfame samnation tame sDamnation tGame Dsamnation Gtame Daamnation Gaame Dmnation Gme Dmanation Gmae
Dzmnation Gzme Dzamnation Gzame Dazmnation Gazme Dqmnation Gqme Dqamnation Gqame Daqmnation Gaqme Dsmnation Gsme Gsame
Dasmnation Gasme Dwmnation Gwme Dwamnation Gwame Dawmnation Gawme Dxmnation Gxme Gxame Daxmnation Gaxme Dammnation Gamme
Danation Gae Danmation Gaem Dajnation Gaje Dajmnation Gajme Damjnation Gamje Daknation Gake Dakmnation Gakme Damknation Gamke
Dannation Gane Danmnation Ganme Damnnation Gamne Gamee Damation Gam Damantion Game Dammation Gams Gamse
Damnmation Games Damhation Gam3 Damhnation Gam3e Damnhation Game3 Damjation Gamf Gamfe Damnjation Gamef Dambation Gamr
Dambnation Gamre Damnbation Gamer Damnaation Gam4 Damntion Gam4e Damntaion Game4 Damnztion Gamd Damnzation Gamde Damnaztion Gamed
Damnqtion Gamw Damnqation Gamwe Damnaqtion Gamew Damnstion Damnsation Damnastion

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