Yngwie Malmsteen
Cross The Line

I'm not the one
Who's runnin' round and bein' snakey
I'm not the one who's got it down
Time after time
I try not actin' crazy
With you, that's not an easy thing to do

So I'm pleadin'

Maybe it's time
Don't tell me, don't tell me
To draw the line, don't tell me it's time

Day after day
You talk to me in circles
I don't believe your little smile
I'm not the one
The one who's thinkin' crazy
I won't be walkin' down no aisle

So I'm pleadin'

Maybe it's time
Don't tell me, don't tell me
To draw the line, maybe it's time
Maybe it's time
Don't tell me, don't tell me
To draw the line, don't tell me it's time

[Guitar solo]

Maybe it's time
Don't tell me, don't tell me
To draw the line, maybe it's time
Maybe it's time
Don't tell me, don't tell me
To draw the line, don't tell me it's time

Mirror lyrics:

To draw the line, don't tell me it's time
Don't tell me, don't tell me
Maybe it's time
To draw the line, maybe it's time
Don't tell me, don't tell me
Maybe it's time

[Guitar solo]

To draw the line, don't tell me it's time
Don't tell me, don't tell me
Maybe it's time
To draw the line, maybe it's time
Don't tell me, don't tell me
Maybe it's time

So I'm pleadin'

I won't be walkin' down no aisle
The one who's thinkin' crazy
I'm not the one
I don't believe your little smile
You talk to me in circles
Day after day

To draw the line, don't tell me it's time
Don't tell me, don't tell me
Maybe it's time

So I'm pleadin'

With you, that's not an easy thing to do
I try not actin' crazy
Time after time
I'm not the one who's got it down
Who's runnin' round and bein' snakey
I'm not the one

Relevant Tags:
CCross TThe LLine ross he ine rCoss hTe iLne fross fhe kine fCross fThe kLine Cfross Tfhe Lkine xross 5he oine xCross 5The oLine
Cxross T5he Loine vross hhe pine vCross hThe pLine Cvross Thhe Lpine dross yhe Liine dCross yThe Lne Cdross Tyhe Lnie Crross 6he Ljne
Coss 6The Ljine Corss T6he Lijne Cdoss ghe L9ne gThe L9ine Crdoss Tghe Li9ne C4oss rhe Llne C4ross rThe Lline Cr4oss Trhe Lilne
Cgoss Lone Cgross Te Crgoss Teh Lione Ctoss Tje Lkne Ctross Tjhe Crtoss Thje Likne C5oss Tue L8ne C5ross Tuhe L8ine
Cr5oss Thue Li8ne Cfoss Tne Lune Tnhe Luine Crfoss Thne Liune Ceoss Tbe Linne Ceross Tbhe Lie Creoss Thbe Lien Crooss Tge Lime
Crss Limne Crsos Thge Linme Crkss Tye Lihe Crkoss Lihne

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