Yo La Tengo
The Whole Of The Law

Well, I used to have the notion I could swim the length of the ocean
If I knew that you were waiting for me
I used to have the notion I could swim the length of the ocean
I'd plumb the depths of every sea for you
I'd escape from my chains, and I'll reach out for you

Maybe I'm in love with you
Maybe, maybe I'm in love with you
I had to contact you, found out I was in love with you
I had to contact
That's it, that's the law, that's the whole of the law
The whole of the law

Mirror lyrics:

The whole of the law
That's it, that's the law, that's the whole of the law
I had to contact
I had to contact you, found out I was in love with you
Maybe, maybe I'm in love with you
Maybe I'm in love with you

I'd escape from my chains, and I'll reach out for you
I'd plumb the depths of every sea for you
I used to have the notion I could swim the length of the ocean
If I knew that you were waiting for me
Well, I used to have the notion I could swim the length of the ocean

Relevant Tags:
TThe WWhole OOf TThe LLaw he hole f he aw hTe hWole fO hTe aLw fhe ahole kf fhe kaw fThe aWhole kOf fThe kLaw Tfhe Wahole Okf Tfhe Lkaw
5he 3hole 9f 5he oaw 5The 3Whole 9Of 5The oLaw T5he W3hole O9f T5he Loaw hhe dhole 0f hhe paw hThe dWhole 0Of hThe pLaw Thhe Wdhole O0f Thhe Lpaw
yhe ehole lf yhe Laaw yThe eWhole lOf yThe Lw Tyhe Wehole Olf Tyhe Lwa 6he shole if 6he Lzw 6The sWhole iOf 6The Lzaw T6he Wshole Oif T6he Lazw
ghe 2hole Off ghe Lqw gThe 2Whole O gThe Lqaw Tghe W2hole Of Tghe Laqw rhe qhole Oc rhe Lsw rThe qWhole Ocf rThe Lsaw Trhe Wqhole Ofc Trhe Lasw
Whhole Or Lww Te Wole Orf Te Lwaw Teh Wohle Ofr Teh Laww Tje Wjole Og Tje Lxw Tjhe Wjhole Ogf Tjhe Lxaw Thje Whjole Ofg Thje Laxw
Tue Wuole Ot Tue Tuhe Wuhole Otf Tuhe La Thue Whuole Oft Thue Law Tne Wnole Ov Tne Laa Tnhe Wnhole Ovf Tnhe Thne Whnole Ofv Thne Lawa
Tbe Wbole Od Tbe La3 Tbhe Wbhole Odf Tbhe La3w Thbe Whbole Ofd Thbe Law3 Tge Wgole Tge Lad Wghole Ladw Thge Whgole Thge Lawd
Tye Wyole Tye Lae Wyhole Laew Thye Whyole Thye Lawe Thee Whoole Thee Las Th Whle Th The Whloe The Laws

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