Yoshvim Bevet Kafe (sitting In A Coffee House)


Verse 1
Yoshvim bevet kafe
umargishim betoch bua
Ma lo asinu
efo ta'inu
ma hishtana

Yoshvim bevet kafe
ani mazmin ugat gvina
Ma lo asinu
efo ta'inu
halcha hamedina

Ve'at betoch hajip shelach
at shoma'at stereo
Vemono bachutz beshachor lavan
Ve'at betoch hajip shelach
Ve'at lo potachat radio
at ro'a shechaval lach al hazman

Yoshvim bevet kafe
umedabrim al hamatzav
Ma lo asinu
efo ta'inu
velama achshav

Yoshvim bevet kafe
umargishim kemo bechul
Ma lo asinu
efo ta'inu
techef mabul

Ve'at betoch hajip shelach
at shoma'at stereo
Vemono bachutz beshachor lavan
Ve'at betoch hajip shelach
Ve'at lo potachat radio
at ro'a shechaval lach al hazman

Ve'at betoch hatrip shelach
at koret li Romeo
Etzlech ze sagrir
uvachutz yesh sharav
Veat betoch hajip shelach
at lo shoma'at radio
At lo yoda'at kama ra li achshav

Yoshvim bevet kafe..

Verse 1
Sitting in a coffee house
and feeling like in a bubble
What haven't we done
where did we go wrong
what has changed

Sitting in a coffee house
I order cheesecake
What haven't we done
where did we go wrong
the country has gone

And you are in your Jeep
listening to the stereo
And mono out side in black and white
you don't turn the radio on
You see that it's a waste of time

Sitting in a coffee house
and talking about the situation
What haven't we done
Where did we go wrong
and why now
Sitting in a coffee house
and feeling like we are overseas
What haven't we done
in a minute it will start raining

And you are in your Jeep….

And you are in your trip
you call me Romeo
It is cold being with you
but outside is hot
And you are in your Jeep
you don't turn the radio on
You don't know how bad I feel now.

Sitting in a coffee house......

Mirror lyrics:

Sitting in a coffee house......

You don't know how bad I feel now.
you don't turn the radio on
And you are in your Jeep
but outside is hot
It is cold being with you
you call me Romeo
And you are in your trip

And you are in your Jeep….

in a minute it will start raining
What haven't we done
and feeling like we are overseas
Sitting in a coffee house
and why now
Where did we go wrong
What haven't we done
and talking about the situation
Sitting in a coffee house

You see that it's a waste of time
you don't turn the radio on
And mono out side in black and white
listening to the stereo
And you are in your Jeep

the country has gone
where did we go wrong
What haven't we done
I order cheesecake
Sitting in a coffee house

what has changed
where did we go wrong
What haven't we done
and feeling like in a bubble
Sitting in a coffee house
Verse 1

Yoshvim bevet kafe..

At lo yoda'at kama ra li achshav
at lo shoma'at radio
Veat betoch hajip shelach
uvachutz yesh sharav
Etzlech ze sagrir
at koret li Romeo
Ve'at betoch hatrip shelach

at ro'a shechaval lach al hazman
Ve'at lo potachat radio
Ve'at betoch hajip shelach
Vemono bachutz beshachor lavan
at shoma'at stereo
Ve'at betoch hajip shelach

techef mabul
efo ta'inu
Ma lo asinu
umargishim kemo bechul
Yoshvim bevet kafe

velama achshav
efo ta'inu
Ma lo asinu
umedabrim al hamatzav
Yoshvim bevet kafe

at ro'a shechaval lach al hazman
Ve'at lo potachat radio
Ve'at betoch hajip shelach
Vemono bachutz beshachor lavan
at shoma'at stereo
Ve'at betoch hajip shelach

halcha hamedina
efo ta'inu
Ma lo asinu
ani mazmin ugat gvina
Yoshvim bevet kafe

ma hishtana
efo ta'inu
Ma lo asinu
umargishim betoch bua
Yoshvim bevet kafe
Verse 1


Relevant Tags:
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