Tinkerer Great
Milkshake (pokemon Remix)

My pokemon bring all the geeks to the yard,
And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?"
And I'm like, *"not my Charizard! I'd trade you but it would be to hard"*

My pokemon bring all the geeks to the yard,
And they're like , "You wanna trade cards?"
And I'm like, *"not my Charizard! I'd trade you but it wold be to hard"*
If you want it I will trade you for... a BLASTOISE! IF you want to..

Mirror lyrics:

If you want it I will trade you for... a BLASTOISE! IF you want to..
And I'm like, *"not my Charizard! I'd trade you but it wold be to hard"*
And they're like , "You wanna trade cards?"
My pokemon bring all the geeks to the yard,

And I'm like, *"not my Charizard! I'd trade you but it would be to hard"*
And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?"
My pokemon bring all the geeks to the yard,

Relevant Tags:
MMilkshake ((pokemon RRemix) ilkshake pokemon emix) iMlkshake p(okemon eRmix) jilkshake (ppokemon demix) jMilkshake (okemon dRemix)
Mjilkshake (opkemon Rdemix) kilkshake (0okemon 4emix) kMilkshake (0pokemon 4Remix) Mkilkshake (p0okemon R4emix) nilkshake (lokemon gemix)
nMilkshake (lpokemon gRemix) Mnilkshake (plokemon Rgemix) Miilkshake (ookemon temix) Mlkshake (opokemon tRemix) Mlikshake (pookemon Rtemix)
Mjlkshake 5emix) (pkemon 5Remix) Mijlkshake (pkoemon R5emix) M9lkshake (pkkemon femix) M9ilkshake (pkokemon fRemix)
Mi9lkshake (pokkemon Rfemix) Mllkshake (p9kemon eemix) Mlilkshake (p9okemon eRemix) Millkshake (po9kemon Reemix) Molkshake (p0kemon
Moilkshake Rmix) Miolkshake (po0kemon Rmeix) Mklkshake (plkemon Rsmix) Rsemix) Miklkshake (polkemon Resmix)
M8lkshake (pikemon R3mix) M8ilkshake (piokemon R3emix) Mi8lkshake (poikemon Re3mix) Mulkshake Rfmix) Muilkshake (poemon
Miulkshake (poekmon Refmix) (polemon Rrmix) Mikshake Rremix) Miklshake (poklemon Rermix) Mikkshake (pooemon R4mix)
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