Tina Turner
We Don't Need Another Hero (thunderdome)

Out of the ruins
Out from the wreckage
Can´t make the same mistake this time
We are the children
The last generation
We are the ones they left behind
And I wonder when we are ever going to change
Living under the fear ´till nothing else remains

We don´t need another hero
We don´t need to know the way home
All we want is life beyond thunderdome

Looking for something, we can rely on.
There´s got to be something better out there.
Love and compassion
That day is coming
All else are castles built in the air

And I wonder when we are ever going to change
Living under the fear ´till nothing else remains

All the children say:

We don´t need another hero
We don´t need to know the way home
All we want is life beyond the thunderdome

So, what do we do withour lives?
We leave all things (about) ??.
Will our story shine like a light?
Or end in the dark?
Is it all or nothing?

We don´t need another hero
We don´t need to know the way home
All we want is life beyond thunderdome

All the children say:

We don´t need another hero
We don´t need to know the way home
All we want is life beyond thunderdome

Mirror lyrics:

All we want is life beyond thunderdome
We don´t need to know the way home
We don´t need another hero

All the children say:

All we want is life beyond thunderdome
We don´t need to know the way home
We don´t need another hero

Is it all or nothing?
Or end in the dark?
Will our story shine like a light?
We leave all things (about) ??.
So, what do we do withour lives?

All we want is life beyond the thunderdome
We don´t need to know the way home
We don´t need another hero

All the children say:

Living under the fear ´till nothing else remains
And I wonder when we are ever going to change

All else are castles built in the air
That day is coming
Love and compassion
There´s got to be something better out there.
Looking for something, we can rely on.

All we want is life beyond thunderdome
We don´t need to know the way home
We don´t need another hero

Living under the fear ´till nothing else remains
And I wonder when we are ever going to change
We are the ones they left behind
The last generation
We are the children
Can´t make the same mistake this time
Out from the wreckage
Out of the ruins

Relevant Tags:
WWe DDon't NNeed AAnother HHero ((thunderdome) e on't eed nother ero thunderdome) eW oDn't eNed nAother eHro t(hunderdome)
ae xon't meed znother jero (tthunderdome) aWe xDon't mNeed zAnother jHero (hunderdome) Wae Dxon't Nmeed Aznother Hjero (htunderdome)
3e eon't heed qnother uero (fhunderdome) 3We eDon't hNeed qAnother uHero (fthunderdome) W3e Deon't Nheed Aqnother Huero (tfhunderdome)
de fon't jeed snother nero (5hunderdome) dWe fDon't jNeed sAnother nHero (5thunderdome) Wde Dfon't Njeed Asnother Hnero (t5hunderdome)
ee ron't beed wnother bero (hhunderdome) eWe rDon't bNeed wAnother bHero (hthunderdome) Wee Dron't Nbeed Awnother Hbero (thhunderdome)
se con't Neeed xnother gero (yhunderdome) sWe cDon't Ned xAnother gHero (ythunderdome) Wse Dcon't Need Axnother Hgero (tyhunderdome)
2e son't Nsed Annother yero (6hunderdome) 2We sDon't Nseed Aother yHero (6thunderdome) W2e Dson't Nesed Aonther Hyero (t6hunderdome)
qe Doon't N3ed Amother Heero (ghunderdome) qWe Dn't N3eed Amnother Hro (gthunderdome) Wqe Dno't Ne3ed Anmother Hreo (tghunderdome)
Dkn't Nfed Ahother Hsro (rhunderdome) W Dkon't Nfeed Ahnother Hsero (rthunderdome) We Dokn't Nefed Anhother Hesro (trhunderdome)
Ws D9n't Nred Ajother H3ro D9on't Nreed Ajnother H3ero (tunderdome) Wes Do9n't Nered Anjother He3ro (tuhnderdome)
W3 D0n't N4ed Abother Hfro (tjunderdome) D0on't N4eed Abnother Hfero (tjhunderdome) We3 Do0n't Ne4ed Anbother Hefro (thjunderdome)
Wf Dln't Nded Anoother Hrro (tuunderdome) Wfe Dlon't Ndeed Anther Hrero (tuhunderdome) Wef Doln't Neded Antoher Herro (thuunderdome)
Wr Din't Nwed Ankther H4ro (tnunderdome) Wre Dion't Nweed Ankother H4ero (tnhunderdome) Wer Doin't Newed Anokther He4ro (thnunderdome)
W4 Donn't An9ther Hdro (tbunderdome) W4e Do't An9other Hdero (tbhunderdome) We4 Do'nt Nede Ano9ther Hedro (thbunderdome)
Wd Dom't Nesd An0ther Hwro (tgunderdome) Domn't An0other Hwero Wed Donm't Neesd Ano0ther Hewro (thgunderdome)
Ww Doh't Ne3d Anlther (tyunderdome) Wwe Dohn't Anlother Heo Wew Donh't Nee3d Anolther Heor (thyunderdome)
Doj't Nefd Anither Hedo Dojn't Aniother (thnderdome) Donj't Neefd Anoither Herdo (thnuderdome)
Dob't Nerd Anotther He4o (thhnderdome) Dobn't Anoher Donb't Neerd Anohter Her4o (thuhnderdome)
Don''t Ne4d Anofher Hego (th7nderdome) Dont Anofther Hegro (th7underdome) Dont' Nee4d Anotfher Hergo (thu7nderdome)
Don'tt Nedd Ano5her Heto (thknderdome) Don' Ano5ther Hetro (thkunderdome) Don't Needd Anot5her Herto (thuknderdome)
Don'f Newd Anohher He5o (thinderdome) Don'ft Anohther He5ro (thiunderdome) Don'tf Neewd Anothher Her5o (thuinderdome)
Don'5 Anoyher Hefo (th8nderdome) Don'5t Nee Anoyther (th8underdome) Don't5 Anotyher Herfo (thu8nderdome)
Don'h Neex Ano6her Heeo (thjnderdome) Don'ht Neexd Ano6ther Don'th Needx Anot6her Hereo (thujnderdome)
Don'y Neee Anogher Heroo (thynderdome) Don'yt Anogther Her Don'ty Neede Anotgher Hero (thuynderdome)
Don'6 Neef Anorher Herk (thunnderdome) Don'6t Anorther Herko (thuderdome) Don't6 Needf Anotrher Herok (thudnerdome)
Don'g Neer Her9 (thumderdome) Don'gt Anoter Her9o (thumnderdome) Don'tg Needr Anotehr Hero9 (thunmderdome)
Don'r Neec Anotjer Her0 (thuhderdome) Don'rt Neecd Anotjher Her0o Don'tr Needc Anothjer Hero0 (thunhderdome)
Nees Anotuer Herl (thujderdome) Anotuher Herlo Needs Anothuer Herol (thunjderdome)
Anotner Heri (thubderdome) Anotnher Herio (thubnderdome) Anothner Heroi (thunbderdome)
Anotber (thundderdome) Anotbher (thunerdome) Anothber (thunedrdome)

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