Tina Turner
I Want You Near Me

Should you stay, should you go?
You're beginning to see
I grow hot, I blow cold
It's just the devil in me

You've got to understand, I am
In love with a beautiful man
So if you're feeling insecure
There's really no cause to be

I want you near me
Don't you turn away
Just got used to havin you around
I want you near me, come on, here and stay
Don't let me down

You're so good with your hands
To help me with a hook or a zip
Indispensable, that's what you are
For the occasional kiss
I'm only playin games with you
I can't be nice without being cruel
I know it's not fair, but I make the rules

I want you near me
Don't you run away
Just got used to havin you around
I want you near me, come on, here and stay
Don't let me down
Don't let me down

I want you near me baby

All I want, I've decided
Is your attention undivided

I want you near me, oh, don't turn away
I want you near me, oh, wont you stay?
I want you near me, don't you run away
I just got used to havin you around
I want you near me, come on, here and stay
Don't let me down
Don't let me down
I want you near me baby
Don't you turn away
I want you near me baby
Come on, and stay

Mirror lyrics:

Come on, and stay
I want you near me baby
Don't you turn away
I want you near me baby
Don't let me down
Don't let me down
I want you near me, come on, here and stay
I just got used to havin you around
I want you near me, don't you run away
I want you near me, oh, wont you stay?
I want you near me, oh, don't turn away

Is your attention undivided
All I want, I've decided

I want you near me baby

Don't let me down
Don't let me down
I want you near me, come on, here and stay
Just got used to havin you around
Don't you run away
I want you near me

I know it's not fair, but I make the rules
I can't be nice without being cruel
I'm only playin games with you
For the occasional kiss
Indispensable, that's what you are
To help me with a hook or a zip
You're so good with your hands

Don't let me down
I want you near me, come on, here and stay
Just got used to havin you around
Don't you turn away
I want you near me

There's really no cause to be
So if you're feeling insecure
In love with a beautiful man
You've got to understand, I am

It's just the devil in me
I grow hot, I blow cold
You're beginning to see
Should you stay, should you go?

Relevant Tags:
II WWant YYou NNear MMe ant ou ear e I aWnt oYu eNar eM j aant gou mear je jI aWant gYou mNear jMe Ij Waant Ygou Nmear Mje
9 3ant hou hear ke 9I 3Want hYou hNear kMe I9 W3ant Yhou Nhear Mke l dant 6ou jear ne lI dWant 6You jNear nMe Il Wdant Y6ou Njear Mne
o eant uou bear Mee oI eWant uYou bNear M Io Weant Yuou Nbear Me k sant 7ou Neear Ms kI sWant 7You Nar Mse Ik Wsant Y7ou Naer Mes
8 2ant jou Nsar M3 8I 2Want jYou Nsear M3e I8 W2ant Yjou Nesar Me3 u qant tou N3ar Mf uI qWant tYou N3ear Mfe Iu Wqant Ytou Ne3ar Mef
Yoou Nfar Mr Wnt Yu Nfear Mre Wnat Yuo Nefar Mer Wznt Yku Nrar M4 Wzant Ykou Nrear M4e Waznt Yoku Nerar Me4
Wqnt Y9u N4ar Md Y9ou N4ear Mde Waqnt Yo9u Ne4ar Med Wsnt Y0u Ndar Mw Y0ou Ndear Mwe Wasnt Yo0u Nedar Mew
Wwnt Ylu Nwar Wwant Ylou Nwear Wawnt Yolu Newar Wxnt Yiu Neaar

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