Yolanda Adams
Save The World

Looking at the news today is a cold depressing thing
we see our nation stained

and the whole worlds up in flames.
People starving all over the land what a low

down dirty shame and abroad we see the same we have
our selves to blame. Well

it's been said that we should share what the master
gives to us well the time

has come to help someone less fortunate than us.


Save the world, feed the hungry people, clothe the little babies, lend a

helping hand.

Save the world, feed the hungry people, show them we love and care.

I took a walk into town this morning a beggar followed
me he said he needed

food to eat and spare some change please.
I took him into the closest grill and

paid for all he could eat it warmed my heart as he
said thank you ma'am to me.

Well it saddened me as walked a little further just
to see that there is more

than one on every corner without a place to sleep.


We've got to feed the hungry mind soul and body shelter
feed and cloth everybody

with much as we can please stretch out your hand.


Mirror lyrics:


with much as we can please stretch out your hand.

feed and cloth everybody
We've got to feed the hungry mind soul and body shelter


than one on every corner without a place to sleep.

to see that there is more
Well it saddened me as walked a little further just

said thank you ma'am to me.
paid for all he could eat it warmed my heart as he

I took him into the closest grill and
food to eat and spare some change please.

me he said he needed
I took a walk into town this morning a beggar followed

Save the world, feed the hungry people, show them we love and care.

helping hand.

Save the world, feed the hungry people, clothe the little babies, lend a


has come to help someone less fortunate than us.

gives to us well the time
it's been said that we should share what the master

our selves to blame. Well
down dirty shame and abroad we see the same we have

People starving all over the land what a low
and the whole worlds up in flames.

we see our nation stained
Looking at the news today is a cold depressing thing

Relevant Tags:
SSave TThe WWorld ave he orld aSve hTe oWrld zave fhe aorld zSave fThe aWorld Szave Tfhe Waorld wave 5he 3orld wSave 5The 3World
Swave T5he W3orld dave hhe dorld dSave hThe dWorld Sdave Thhe Wdorld eave yhe eorld eSave yThe eWorld Seave Tyhe Weorld xave 6he sorld
xSave 6The sWorld Sxave T6he Wsorld aave ghe 2orld aSave gThe 2World Saave Tghe W2orld rhe qorld Sve rThe qWorld Svae Trhe Wqorld
Szve Woorld Te Wrld Sazve Teh Wrold Sqve Tje Wkrld Sqave Tjhe Wkorld Saqve Thje Wokrld Ssve Tue W9rld Ssave Tuhe W9orld
Sasve Thue Wo9rld Swve Tne W0rld Tnhe W0orld Sawve Thne Wo0rld Sxve Tbe Wlrld Tbhe Wlorld Saxve Thbe Wolrld Savve Tge Wirld
Sae Wiorld Saev Thge Woirld Sabe Tye Worrld Sabve Wold Savbe Thye Wolrd Sace Thee Wodld Sacve Th Wodrld Savce The Wordld
Sage Ths Wo4ld Sagve Thse Wo4rld

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