Yolanda Adams
I'm Gonna Be Ready

Mmm, ohohohoh

I say a prayer every night, whatever I do, I'll get it right
With no regret, no guilt or shame this time, no not this time
Once I surrender, I won't dare look back, cause if I do, I'll get off track
Move ahead in faith, and patiently await your answer, what will it be

Sight beyond what I see
You know what's best for me
Prepare my mind, prepare my heart
For whatever comes, I'm gon' be ready
Strength to pass any test
I feel like I'm so blessed
With you in control, I can't go wrong
Cause I always know, I'm gon' be ready (be ready)
hmm hmmm

I was free to do what I want to
Lost everthing but I still have You
You showed me Your grace and
Now my life's renewed and I thank You
Yes, I thank You

So Ill tell anyone who'll listen
I'll testify about how good You were to me when
So-called friends passed me by
The fact that You would show somebody so broke down
So much mercy


So use me as You will
I'll pay the price cause You made the ultimate sacrifice
And it's all because of you that I even have life
And I'll give my love as a tribute to how great you are


I'ma gonna be ready
This time I'ma be ready
Cause you live deep inside of me
And I know it's in your will for me to be

Mirror lyrics:

And I know it's in your will for me to be
Cause you live deep inside of me
This time I'ma be ready
I'ma gonna be ready


And I'll give my love as a tribute to how great you are
And it's all because of you that I even have life
I'll pay the price cause You made the ultimate sacrifice
So use me as You will


So much mercy
The fact that You would show somebody so broke down
So-called friends passed me by
I'll testify about how good You were to me when
So Ill tell anyone who'll listen

Yes, I thank You
Now my life's renewed and I thank You
You showed me Your grace and
Lost everthing but I still have You
I was free to do what I want to

hmm hmmm
Cause I always know, I'm gon' be ready (be ready)
With you in control, I can't go wrong
I feel like I'm so blessed
Strength to pass any test
For whatever comes, I'm gon' be ready
Prepare my mind, prepare my heart
You know what's best for me
Sight beyond what I see

Move ahead in faith, and patiently await your answer, what will it be
Once I surrender, I won't dare look back, cause if I do, I'll get off track
With no regret, no guilt or shame this time, no not this time
I say a prayer every night, whatever I do, I'll get it right

Mmm, ohohohoh

Relevant Tags:
II'm GGonna BBe RReady 'm onna e eady 'Im oGnna eB eRady j'm honna ve deady jI'm hGonna vBe dReady Ij'm Ghonna Bve Rdeady
9'm yonna ge 4eady 9I'm yGonna gBe 4Ready I9'm Gyonna Bge R4eady l'm bonna ne geady lI'm bGonna nBe gReady Il'm Gbonna Bne Rgeady
o'm vonna he teady oI'm vGonna hBe tReady Io'm Gvonna Bhe Rteady k'm fonna Bee 5eady kI'm fGonna B 5Ready Ik'm Gfonna Be R5eady
8'm tonna Bs feady 8I'm tGonna Bse fReady I8'm Gtonna Bes Rfeady u'm Goonna B3 eeady uI'm Gnna B3e eReady Iu'm Gnona Be3 Reeady
I''m Gknna Bf Im Gkonna Bfe Rady Im' Goknna Bef Raedy I'mm G9nna Br Rsady I' G9onna Bre Rseady I'm Go9nna Ber Resady
I'j G0nna B4 R3ady I'jm G0onna B4e R3eady I'mj Go0nna Be4 Re3ady I'k Glnna Bd Rfady I'km Glonna Bde I'mk Golnna Bed Refady
I'n Ginna Bw Rrady I'nm Gionna Bwe Rready I'mn Goinna Bew Rerady Gonnna R4ady Gona Gonna Re4ady
Gomna Rdady Gomnna Gonmna Redady Gohna Rwady Gohnna Rweady Gonhna Rewady
Gojna Reaady Gojnna Redy Gonjna Reday Gobna Rezdy

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