Yoko Ono
The Great Wok

Hello, hello, testing, testing...
At this time of year...oh, let me first introduce myself.
Maybe you have heard me before, I am the great wok.
And as you know, the great wok must be done.
Now, at this time of year when brahama is in brahma...
The day of brahma is set to last one thousand years
and it's night is of equal length.
Well, for us human being, this is the end of the year now
And our minds turns towards what is laughably called the future.
No mind can comprehend the infinite and absolute anon
munsch mars stunvelly humpff,
As we say in the himalayas.
Now let5 me tell you, my resolution of the year 1979
is to renounce complete everything,
But complete luxury and self indulgance.

Now I suggest this is going to be very,
very difficult, very difficult indeed.
I feel it's my duty, not only as a human being but as a person
Or was it not george formy who said there are four
billion three hundred and twenty million
Mortal or earth years which is one day of brahma.
So, one way of looking at it is simply not to look at it at all.
And that's exactly what we're going to do now.
So we'll settle down, deeply, I hope, and comfortably in an easy chair
And then, lay back, put the incense on,
light the candles and give yourself a hard time.

Mirror lyrics:

light the candles and give yourself a hard time.
And then, lay back, put the incense on,
So we'll settle down, deeply, I hope, and comfortably in an easy chair
And that's exactly what we're going to do now.
So, one way of looking at it is simply not to look at it at all.
Mortal or earth years which is one day of brahma.
billion three hundred and twenty million
Or was it not george formy who said there are four
I feel it's my duty, not only as a human being but as a person
very difficult, very difficult indeed.
Now I suggest this is going to be very,

But complete luxury and self indulgance.
is to renounce complete everything,
Now let5 me tell you, my resolution of the year 1979
As we say in the himalayas.
munsch mars stunvelly humpff,
No mind can comprehend the infinite and absolute anon
And our minds turns towards what is laughably called the future.
Well, for us human being, this is the end of the year now
and it's night is of equal length.
The day of brahma is set to last one thousand years
Now, at this time of year when brahama is in brahma...
And as you know, the great wok must be done.
Maybe you have heard me before, I am the great wok.
At this time of year...oh, let me first introduce myself.
Hello, hello, testing, testing...

Relevant Tags:
TThe GGreat WWok he reat ok hTe rGeat oWk fhe hreat aok fThe hGreat aWok Tfhe Ghreat Waok 5he yreat 3ok 5The yGreat 3Wok T5he Gyreat W3ok
hhe breat dok hThe bGreat dWok Thhe Gbreat Wdok yhe vreat eok yThe vGreat eWok Tyhe Gvreat Weok 6he freat sok 6The fGreat sWok T6he Gfreat Wsok
ghe treat 2ok gThe tGreat 2Wok Tghe Gtreat W2ok rhe Grreat qok rThe Geat qWok Trhe Gerat Wqok Gdeat Wook Te Gdreat Wk Teh Grdeat Wko
Tje G4eat Wkk Tjhe G4reat Wkok Thje Gr4eat Wokk Tue Ggeat W9k Tuhe Ggreat W9ok Thue Grgeat Wo9k Tne Gteat W0k Tnhe W0ok Thne Grteat Wo0k
Tbe G5eat Wlk Tbhe G5reat Wlok Thbe Gr5eat Wolk Tge Gfeat Wik Wiok Thge Grfeat Woik Tye Geeat Gereat Wo Thye Greeat Wok
Thee Wol Th Grat The Graet Wokl Ths Grsat Woo Thse Grseat Thes Gresat Woko

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