Toni Braxton
Spending My Time With You

I used to date and never fall in love
Just lookin' for an experience
Spending my time wasting it foolishly
Exploring my possibilities

But then one day I ran into you
You gave me feelings I never knew
I'd like to spend my weekends with you
And weekdays too
Wouldn't that be cool
I think I'm fallin' in love with you

So I'll be spendin' my time with you
There's nothing I'd rather do
I never had a lover like you
That makes me feel like the way that you do

You said you wanted to be serious
So speak to me cause I'm curious
To know exactly how you feel inside
And feel your sweet body touchin' mine

Cause there's so many things we can do
You give me feelings I never knew
I'd like to spend my weekends with you
And weekdays too
Wouldn't that be cool
I'm fallin', fallin', falling in love with you

So I'll be spendin' my time with you
There's nothin' I'd rather do
I never had a lover like you
That makes me feel like the way that you do

You gave me love
And baby, there's nothing better
Than the love you've given to me
Let me show you how much
I really care for you
Day and night
I'll treat you right
That's all I want to do

So I'll be spendin' my time with you
There's nothing I'd rather do
I never had a lover like you
That makes me feel like the way that you do

Mirror lyrics:

That makes me feel like the way that you do
I never had a lover like you
There's nothing I'd rather do
So I'll be spendin' my time with you

That's all I want to do
I'll treat you right
Day and night
I really care for you
Let me show you how much
Than the love you've given to me
And baby, there's nothing better
You gave me love

That makes me feel like the way that you do
I never had a lover like you
There's nothin' I'd rather do
So I'll be spendin' my time with you

I'm fallin', fallin', falling in love with you
Wouldn't that be cool
And weekdays too
I'd like to spend my weekends with you
You give me feelings I never knew
Cause there's so many things we can do

And feel your sweet body touchin' mine
To know exactly how you feel inside
So speak to me cause I'm curious
You said you wanted to be serious

That makes me feel like the way that you do
I never had a lover like you
There's nothing I'd rather do
So I'll be spendin' my time with you

I think I'm fallin' in love with you
Wouldn't that be cool
And weekdays too
I'd like to spend my weekends with you
You gave me feelings I never knew
But then one day I ran into you

Exploring my possibilities
Spending my time wasting it foolishly
Just lookin' for an experience
I used to date and never fall in love

Relevant Tags:
SSpending MMy TTime WWith YYou pending y ime ith ou pSending yM iTme iWth oYu zpending jy fime aith gou zSpending jMy fTime aWith gYou
Szpending Mjy Tfime Waith Ygou wpending ky 5ime 3ith hou wSpending kMy 5Time 3With hYou Swpending Mky T5ime W3ith Yhou dpending ny hime dith 6ou
dSpending nMy hTime dWith 6You Sdpending Mny Thime Wdith Y6ou epending Myy yime eith uou eSpending M yTime eWith uYou Sepending My Tyime Weith Yuou
xpending Mg 6ime sith 7ou xSpending Mgy 6Time sWith 7You Sxpending Myg T6ime Wsith Y7ou apending Mh gime 2ith jou aSpending Mhy gTime 2With jYou
Sapending Myh Tgime W2ith Yjou Sppending M6 rime qith tou Sending M6y rTime qWith tYou Sepnding My6 Trime Wqith Ytou S0ending Mu Tiime Wiith Yoou
S0pending Muy Tme Wth Yu Sp0ending Myu Tmie Wtih Yuo Slending M7 Tjme Wjth Yku Slpending M7y Tjime Wjith Ykou Splending My7 Tijme Wijth Yoku
Soending Mj T9me W9th Y9u Sopending T9ime W9ith Y9ou Spoending Myj Ti9me Wi9th Yo9u Speending Mt Tlme Wlth Y0u Spnding Mty Tlime Wlith Y0ou
Spneding Myt Tilme Wilth Yo0u Spsnding Tome Woth Ylu Spsending Toime Woith Ylou Spesnding Tiome Wioth Yolu Sp3nding Tkme Wkth Yiu
Sp3ending Tkime Wkith Yiou Spe3nding Tikme Wikth Yoiu Spfnding T8me W8th Youu Spfending T8ime W8ith Yo Spefnding Ti8me Wi8th You
Sprnding Tume Wuth Yoh Sprending Tuime Wuith Yohu Spernding Tiume Wiuth Youh Sp4nding Timme Witth Yo7 Sp4ending Tie Wih Yo7u
Spe4nding Tiem Wiht You7 Spdnding Tije Wifh Yok Spdending Wifth Spednding Timje Witfh Youk Spwnding Tike Wi5h Yoi
Spwending Wi5th Spewnding Timke Wit5h Youi Spennding Tine Wihh Yo8 Speding Tinme Wihth Yo8u Spedning Timne Withh You8
Spemding Timee Wiyh Yoj Spemnding Tim Wiyth Yoju Spenmding Time Wityh Youj Spehding Tims Wi6h Yoy Spehnding Timse Wi6th Yoyu
Spenhding Times Wit6h Youy Spejding Tim3 Wigh Spejnding Tim3e Wigth Spenjding Time3 Witgh Spebding Timf Wirh
Spebnding Timfe Wirth Spenbding Timef Witrh Spendding Timr Spening Timre Wit Spenidng Timer With

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