Tommy Page
Madly In Love

Here I stand, looking in your eyes
Being with you makes my spirits rise
I reach out, and hold you closely
You're like a dream to me

I'm madly in love, so madly in love, with you
It feels like heaven above, so madly in love
Your making me feel brand new
I'm madly in love with you

Warm winds blowin' and the stars are out
It's the perfect night to tell you about
All the feelings your love has to bring
Your my everything (Everything)

I'm madly in love, so madly in love
Your making me feel brand new

Every time I'm with you, I'm in ecstacy
Cause the moments that I share with you
Feel like heaven to me
Lonely times, fade away, as long as your here to stay

I'm madly in love, so madly in love, with you, oooh
It feels like heaven above, madly in love, oh, OH!

I'm madly in love, so madly in love, with you
It feels like heaven above, so madly in love, with you
With you
I'm madly in love with you

Mirror lyrics:

I'm madly in love with you
With you
It feels like heaven above, so madly in love, with you
I'm madly in love, so madly in love, with you

It feels like heaven above, madly in love, oh, OH!
I'm madly in love, so madly in love, with you, oooh

Lonely times, fade away, as long as your here to stay
Feel like heaven to me
Cause the moments that I share with you
Every time I'm with you, I'm in ecstacy

Your making me feel brand new
I'm madly in love, so madly in love

Your my everything (Everything)
All the feelings your love has to bring
It's the perfect night to tell you about
Warm winds blowin' and the stars are out

I'm madly in love with you
Your making me feel brand new
It feels like heaven above, so madly in love
I'm madly in love, so madly in love, with you

You're like a dream to me
I reach out, and hold you closely
Being with you makes my spirits rise
Here I stand, looking in your eyes

Relevant Tags:
MMadly IIn LLove adly n ove aMdly nI oLve jadly jn kove jMadly jIn kLove Mjadly Ijn Lkove kadly 9n oove kMadly 9In oLove Mkadly I9n Loove
nadly ln pove nMadly lIn pLove Mnadly Iln Lpove Maadly on Mdly oIn Lve Mdaly Ion Lvoe Mzdly kn Lkve Mzadly kIn Mazdly Ikn Lokve
Mqdly 8n L9ve Mqadly 8In L9ove Maqdly I8n Lo9ve Msdly un L0ve Msadly uIn L0ove Masdly Iun Lo0ve Mwdly Inn Llve Mwadly I Llove Mawdly In Lolve
Mxdly Im Live Mxadly Imn Liove Maxdly Inm Loive Maddly Ih Lovve Maly Ihn Loe Maldy Inh Loev Maxly Ij Lobe Lobve Madxly Inj Lovbe
Maely Ib Loce Maedly Ibn Locve Madely Inb Lovce Mafly Loge Mafdly Logve Madfly Lovge Marly Lofe

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