Giving Up The Ghost

I have waited patiently for your heart to call to me
Across the great divide of the years that have slipped by
All the long and lonely nights I lay bathed in pale moonlight
Upon the bed we graced, now there's just a cold and empty space
Even all my friends say it's time to let you go
It is time to break the hold

So I'm giving up the mention of your name
And I'm giving up the vision of your face
I'm forgiving us for letting go of love
Giving up the one I want the most
Giving up the ghost

I don't search to find a cure, I don't do that anymore
I learned to lay the blame on the strangers we became
We were just one step away from a truth I couldn't face
But I hoped against it all that our history would break our fall
So I prayed for love to save us and I wished upon a star
But you wished us far apart

So I'm giving up the mention of your name
And I'm giving up the vision of your face
I'm forgiving us for letting go of love
Giving up the one I want the most
Giving up the ghost

It's time to let you go
And you tried to show me how
Well I'm listening to you now
Your silence sends a message clear and loud

So I'm giving up
Baby I'm giving you up
I'm forgiving us for letting go of love
Giving up the one I want the most
I'm giving up the ghost

I'm giving up the mention of your name
And I'm giving up the vision of your face
I'm forgiving us for letting go of love
Giving up the one I want the most
I'm giving up the ghost
It's time to let you go
I'm giving up the ghost
It's time to let you go
I'm giving up the ghost

Mirror lyrics:

I'm giving up the ghost
It's time to let you go
I'm giving up the ghost
It's time to let you go
I'm giving up the ghost
Giving up the one I want the most
I'm forgiving us for letting go of love
And I'm giving up the vision of your face
I'm giving up the mention of your name

I'm giving up the ghost
Giving up the one I want the most
I'm forgiving us for letting go of love
Baby I'm giving you up
So I'm giving up

Your silence sends a message clear and loud
Well I'm listening to you now
And you tried to show me how
It's time to let you go

Giving up the ghost
Giving up the one I want the most
I'm forgiving us for letting go of love
And I'm giving up the vision of your face
So I'm giving up the mention of your name

But you wished us far apart
So I prayed for love to save us and I wished upon a star
But I hoped against it all that our history would break our fall
We were just one step away from a truth I couldn't face
I learned to lay the blame on the strangers we became
I don't search to find a cure, I don't do that anymore

Giving up the ghost
Giving up the one I want the most
I'm forgiving us for letting go of love
And I'm giving up the vision of your face
So I'm giving up the mention of your name

It is time to break the hold
Even all my friends say it's time to let you go
Upon the bed we graced, now there's just a cold and empty space
All the long and lonely nights I lay bathed in pale moonlight
Across the great divide of the years that have slipped by
I have waited patiently for your heart to call to me

Relevant Tags:
GGiving UUp TThe GGhost iving p he host iGving pU hTe hGost hiving hp fhe hhost hGiving hUp fThe hGhost Ghiving Uhp Tfhe Ghhost
yiving 7p 5he yhost yGiving 7Up 5The yGhost Gyiving U7p T5he Gyhost biving kp hhe bhost bGiving kUp hThe bGhost Gbiving Ukp Thhe Gbhost
viving ip yhe vhost vGiving iUp yThe vGhost Gviving Uip Tyhe Gvhost fiving 8p 6he fhost fGiving 8Up 6The fGhost Gfiving U8p T6he Gfhost
tiving jp ghe thost tGiving jUp gThe tGhost Gtiving Ujp Tghe Gthost Giiving yp rhe Gving yUp rThe Gost Gviing Uyp Trhe Gohst
Gjving Upp Gjost Gjiving U Te Gjhost Gijving Up Teh Ghjost G9ving U0 Tje Guost G9iving U0p Tjhe Guhost Gi9ving Up0 Thje Ghuost
Glving Ul Tue Gnost Gliving Ulp Tuhe Gnhost Gilving Upl Thue Ghnost Goving Uo Tne Gbost Goiving Uop Tnhe Gioving Upo Thne Ghbost
Gkving Tbe Ggost Gkiving Tbhe Gghost Gikving Thbe Ghgost G8ving Tge Gyost G8iving Gi8ving Thge Ghyost
Guving Tye Ghoost Guiving Ghst Giuving Thye Ghsot Givving Thee Ghkst Giing Th Ghkost Giivng The Ghokst
Gibing Ths Gh9st Gibving Thse Gh9ost Givbing Thes Gho9st Gicing Th3 Gh0st Gicving Th3e Gh0ost Givcing The3 Gho0st
Giging Thf Ghlst Gigving Thfe Ghlost Givging Thef Gholst Gifing Thr Ghist Gifving Thre Ghiost

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