T Pain
Keep Going

Yeah, keep going, yeah

They get me up in the morning
They give me reason to believe I'm here
For somebody, for someone

They make me feel so joyous
Happiness ain't a word to describe what I feel
Like when I try to give it up
Sick and tired of all this stuff
They give me reason to keep going and going

When I feel like I should quit, I keep going
I never knew this would happen
And if you knew 'bout my past
You would see why it's a miracle

But you can see why I'm happy
Nobody wished this for me
This was prayer
Where would I be with out them?

And when try to give it up
Sick and tired of all this stuff
When I feel like it's enough, I keep going
They give me reason to keep going and going and going

Mirror lyrics:

They give me reason to keep going and going and going
When I feel like it's enough, I keep going
Sick and tired of all this stuff
And when try to give it up

Where would I be with out them?
This was prayer
Nobody wished this for me
But you can see why I'm happy

You would see why it's a miracle
And if you knew 'bout my past
I never knew this would happen
When I feel like I should quit, I keep going

They give me reason to keep going and going
Sick and tired of all this stuff
Like when I try to give it up
Happiness ain't a word to describe what I feel
They make me feel so joyous

For somebody, for someone
They give me reason to believe I'm here
They get me up in the morning

Yeah, keep going, yeah

Relevant Tags:
KKeep GGoing eep oing eKep oGing leep hoing lKeep hGoing Kleep Ghoing oeep yoing oKeep yGoing Koeep Gyoing meep boing mKeep bGoing
Kmeep Gboing jeep voing jKeep vGoing Kjeep Gvoing ieep foing iKeep fGoing Kieep Gfoing Keeep toing Kep tGoing Keep Gtoing Ksep Gooing
Kseep Ging Kesep Giong K3ep Gking K3eep Gkoing Ke3ep Goking Kfep G9ing Kfeep G9oing Kefep Go9ing Krep G0ing Kreep G0oing Kerep Go0ing
K4ep Gling K4eep Gloing Ke4ep Goling Kdep Giing Kdeep Gioing Kedep Goiing Kwep Kweep Gong Kewep Gonig Gojng Gojing
Kepe Goijng Kesp Go9ng

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