Toni Gonzaga
Catch Me I'm Fallin'


I don't know why
But when I look in your eyes
I felt something that seems so right
You've got yours I've got mine
I think I'm losing my mind
'cause I shouldn't feel this way

Catch me...I'm falling for you
And I don't know what to do

I: How can something so wrong
Feel so right all along
Catch me…I'm falling for you
II: How can time be so wrong?
For love to come along
Catch me…I'm falling for you

How can love let it go?
When it has no place to go
and I can't go along…pretending
That love isn't here to stay
Catch me I'm falling for you

If I could just walk away
Without you from day to day
I would die just thinking of you
I know we can never be
More than friends, you and me
But why do I feel this way

Catch me…I'm falling for you
And I don't know what to do


How can something so wrong
Feel so right all along
Catch me…I'm falling for you
How can time be so wrong?
For love to come along
Catch me…I'm falling for you

Maybe someday I'll see
Why love did this to me
Cause I can't go along…pretending
That love isn't here to stay
Catch me I'm falling for you
Catch me…I'm falling for you

And it's wrong for me to feel this way
Cause I don't know what to do without you
Catch me…I'm falling for you

(Repeat Chorus I)

Mirror lyrics:

(Repeat Chorus I)

Catch me…I'm falling for you
Cause I don't know what to do without you
And it's wrong for me to feel this way

Catch me…I'm falling for you
Catch me I'm falling for you
That love isn't here to stay
Cause I can't go along…pretending
Why love did this to me
Maybe someday I'll see

Catch me…I'm falling for you
For love to come along
How can time be so wrong?
Catch me…I'm falling for you
Feel so right all along
How can something so wrong


And I don't know what to do
Catch me…I'm falling for you

But why do I feel this way
More than friends, you and me
I know we can never be
I would die just thinking of you
Without you from day to day
If I could just walk away

Catch me I'm falling for you
That love isn't here to stay
and I can't go along…pretending
When it has no place to go
How can love let it go?

Catch me…I'm falling for you
For love to come along
II: How can time be so wrong?
Catch me…I'm falling for you
Feel so right all along
I: How can something so wrong

And I don't know what to do
Catch me...I'm falling for you

'cause I shouldn't feel this way
I think I'm losing my mind
You've got yours I've got mine
I felt something that seems so right
But when I look in your eyes
I don't know why


Relevant Tags:
CCatch MMe II'm FFallin' atch e 'm allin' aCtch eM 'Im aFllin' fatch je j'm callin' fCatch jMe jI'm cFallin' Cfatch Mje Ij'm Fcallin'
xatch ke 9'm rallin' xCatch kMe 9I'm rFallin' Cxatch Mke I9'm Frallin' vatch ne l'm gallin' vCatch nMe lI'm gFallin' Cvatch Mne Il'm Fgallin'
datch Mee o'm tallin' dCatch M oI'm tFallin' Cdatch Me Io'm Ftallin' Caatch Ms k'm vallin' Ctch Mse kI'm vFallin' Ctach Mes Ik'm Fvallin'
Cztch M3 8'm dallin' Czatch M3e 8I'm dFallin' Caztch Me3 I8'm Fdallin' Cqtch Mf u'm Faallin' Cqatch Mfe uI'm Fllin' Caqtch Mef Iu'm Flalin'
Cstch Mr I''m Fzllin' Csatch Mre Im Fzallin' Castch Mer Im' Fazllin' Cwtch M4 I'mm Fqllin' Cwatch M4e I' Fqallin' Cawtch Me4 I'm Faqllin'
Cxtch Md I'j Fsllin' Mde I'jm Fsallin' Caxtch Med I'mj Fasllin' Cattch Mw I'k Fwllin' Cach Mwe I'km Fwallin' Cacth Mew I'mk Fawllin'
Cafch I'n Fxllin' Caftch I'nm Fxallin' Catfch I'mn Faxllin' Ca5ch Falllin' Ca5tch Falin' Cat5ch Fallin'
Cahch Faklin' Cahtch Fakllin' Cathch Falklin' Caych Faolin' Caytch Faollin' Catych Falolin'

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