Tony Banks
And The Wheels Keep Turning

And the wheels keep turning, all the time,
But there's no pounding or purring, not a sound,
Just a feeling of stirring, hold them down, hold them down, hold them

Yes it might happen this way,
You have no warning, she is going away,
She was the backbone, to your life and your plans,
And now the unknown, holds you down with it's hands,
And then you know that there's no turning back from here.

And the wheels keep turning, all the time,
No mechanical churning, not a sound,
Just a feeling of stirring, hold them down, hold them down, hold them

Yes it might happen this way,
She is familiar, nothing much more to say,
And then the day comes when you look in her eyes,
And what you see there takes you quite by surprise,
And then you know that there's no turning back from here.

People moving, going about their day,
People planning, knowing just what to say,
In one year we'll have money to spare,
And in five all we require,
In ten years we'll have a place of our own,
And in forty we'll retire,
So we do what we must, before we turn to dust.
So we do what we must, before we turn to dust.

And the wheels keep turning, all the time,
No expansion or burning, not a sound,
Just a feeling of stirring, hold them down, hold them down, hold them

Yes it might happen this way,
You have no warning, she is going away,
She was the backbone, to your live and your plans,
And now the unknown, holds you down with it's hands,

And then you know that it might happen this way,
She is familiar, nothing much more to say,
And then the day comes when you look in her eyes,
And what you see there takes you quite by surprise,
And then you know that there's no turning back from here.

Mirror lyrics:

And then you know that there's no turning back from here.
And what you see there takes you quite by surprise,
And then the day comes when you look in her eyes,
She is familiar, nothing much more to say,
And then you know that it might happen this way,

And now the unknown, holds you down with it's hands,
She was the backbone, to your live and your plans,
You have no warning, she is going away,
Yes it might happen this way,

Just a feeling of stirring, hold them down, hold them down, hold them
No expansion or burning, not a sound,
And the wheels keep turning, all the time,

So we do what we must, before we turn to dust.
So we do what we must, before we turn to dust.
And in forty we'll retire,
In ten years we'll have a place of our own,
And in five all we require,
In one year we'll have money to spare,
People planning, knowing just what to say,
People moving, going about their day,

And then you know that there's no turning back from here.
And what you see there takes you quite by surprise,
And then the day comes when you look in her eyes,
She is familiar, nothing much more to say,
Yes it might happen this way,

Just a feeling of stirring, hold them down, hold them down, hold them
No mechanical churning, not a sound,
And the wheels keep turning, all the time,

And then you know that there's no turning back from here.
And now the unknown, holds you down with it's hands,
She was the backbone, to your life and your plans,
You have no warning, she is going away,
Yes it might happen this way,

Just a feeling of stirring, hold them down, hold them down, hold them
But there's no pounding or purring, not a sound,
And the wheels keep turning, all the time,

Relevant Tags:
AAnd TThe WWheels KKeep TTurning nd he heels eep urning nAd hTe hWeels eKep uTrning znd fhe aheels leep furning zAnd fThe aWheels lKeep fTurning
Aznd Tfhe Waheels Kleep Tfurning qnd 5he 3heels oeep 5urning qAnd 5The 3Wheels oKeep 5Turning Aqnd T5he W3heels Koeep T5urning snd hhe dheels meep hurning
sAnd hThe dWheels mKeep hTurning Asnd Thhe Wdheels Kmeep Thurning wnd yhe eheels jeep yurning wAnd yThe eWheels jKeep yTurning Awnd Tyhe Weheels Kjeep Tyurning
xnd 6he sheels ieep 6urning xAnd 6The sWheels iKeep 6Turning Axnd T6he Wsheels Kieep T6urning Annd ghe 2heels Keeep gurning Ad gThe 2Wheels Kep gTurning
Adn Tghe W2heels Keep Tgurning Amd rhe qheels Ksep rurning Amnd rThe qWheels Kseep rTurning Anmd Trhe Wqheels Kesep Trurning Ahd Whheels K3ep Tuurning
Ahnd Te Weels K3eep Trning Anhd Teh Wehels Ke3ep Truning Ajd Tje Wjeels Kfep Thrning Ajnd Tjhe Wjheels Kfeep Anjd Thje Whjeels Kefep Tuhrning
Abd Tue Wueels Krep T7rning Abnd Tuhe Wuheels Kreep T7urning Anbd Thue Whueels Kerep Tu7rning Andd Tne Wneels K4ep Tkrning An Tnhe Wnheels K4eep Tkurning
And Thne Whneels Ke4ep Tukrning Anx Tbe Wbeels Kdep Tirning Anxd Tbhe Wbheels Kdeep Tiurning Andx Thbe Whbeels Kedep Tuirning Ane Tge Wgeels Kwep T8rning
Aned Wgheels Kweep T8urning Ande Thge Whgeels Kewep Tu8rning Anf Tye Wyeels Tjrning Anfd Wyheels Tjurning Andf Thye Whyeels Kepe Tujrning
Anr Thee Wheeels Kesp Tyrning Anrd Th Whels Andr The Wheels Keesp Tuyrning Anc Ths Whsels Ke3p Turrning Ancd Thse Whseels Tuning
Andc Thes Whesels Kee3p Tunring Ans Th3 Wh3els Kefp Tudning Ansd Th3e Wh3eels Tudrning Ands The3 Whe3els Keefp Turdning Thf Whfels Kerp Tu4ning
Thfe Whfeels Tu4rning Thef Whefels Keerp Tur4ning Thr Whrels Ke4p Tugning Thre Whreels Tugrning Ther Wherels Kee4p Turgning
Th4 Wh4els Kedp Tutning Th4e Wh4eels Tutrning The4 Whe4els Keedp Turtning Thd Whdels Kewp Tu5ning Thde Whdeels Tu5rning
Thed Whedels Keewp Tur5ning Thw Whwels Keepp Tufning Thwe Whweels Kee Tufrning Thew Whewels Turfning Kee0 Tuening
Kee0p Tuerning

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