Tony Banks
A Curious Feeling

It's a curious feeling

It's a curious feeling to see the edge receding

It seems the more I know, the more I don't know

Does this ever end?

If you listened to fanatics of the left or right

You'd think they'd solve it all but they don't convince me

Some statesmen, gurus, men of science and of philosophy

All have an answer but they won't agree

So if anybody tells you stories

Of how they're gonna change your world

Be they the Aga Khan, the ex Shah of Iran

Or the Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Say I don't believe you 'cos I know we don't need you

In the name of religion or of any politician

I'm sure we've heard it all

If races always ran to form they never would be run

Where would be the fun?

And if ever a man could understand everything there was

He'd have no reason to carry on

So if anybody tells you stories

Of how they're gonna change your world

Be they the Aga Khan, the ex Shah of Iran

Or the Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Say come with me then to the Garden of Eden

Put back our bites from the apple of the Tree of Knowledge

Be like the beasts again

Mirror lyrics:

Be like the beasts again

Put back our bites from the apple of the Tree of Knowledge

Say come with me then to the Garden of Eden

Or the Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Be they the Aga Khan, the ex Shah of Iran

Of how they're gonna change your world

So if anybody tells you stories

He'd have no reason to carry on

And if ever a man could understand everything there was

Where would be the fun?

If races always ran to form they never would be run

I'm sure we've heard it all

In the name of religion or of any politician

Say I don't believe you 'cos I know we don't need you

Or the Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Be they the Aga Khan, the ex Shah of Iran

Of how they're gonna change your world

So if anybody tells you stories

All have an answer but they won't agree

Some statesmen, gurus, men of science and of philosophy

You'd think they'd solve it all but they don't convince me

If you listened to fanatics of the left or right

Does this ever end?

It seems the more I know, the more I don't know

It's a curious feeling to see the edge receding

It's a curious feeling

Relevant Tags:
AA CCurious FFeeling urious eeling A uCrious eFeling z furious ceeling zA fCurious cFeeling Az Cfurious Fceeling
q xurious reeling qA xCurious rFeeling Aq Cxurious Freeling s vurious geeling sA vCurious gFeeling As Cvurious Fgeeling
w durious teeling wA dCurious tFeeling Aw Cdurious Fteeling x Cuurious veeling xA Crious vFeeling Ax Cruious Fveeling
Chrious deeling Churious dFeeling Cuhrious Fdeeling C7rious Feeeling C7urious Feling Cu7rious Feeling
Ckrious Fseling Ckurious Fseeling Cukrious Feseling Cirious F3eling Ciurious F3eeling Cuirious Fe3eling
C8rious Ffeling C8urious Ffeeling Cu8rious Fefeling Cjrious Freling Cjurious Cujrious Fereling
Cyrious F4eling Cyurious F4eeling Cuyrious Fe4eling Currious Fdeling Cuious Cuirous Fedeling
Cudious Fweling Cudrious Fweeling Curdious Feweling Cu4ious Cu4rious Cur4ious Feleing
Cugious Fesling Cugrious Curgious Feesling Cutious Fe3ling Cutrious Curtious Fee3ling
Cu5ious Fefling Cu5rious Cur5ious Feefling Cufious Ferling Cufrious Curfious Feerling
Cueious Fe4ling Cuerious Cureious Fee4ling Curiious Fedling Curous Curoius Feedling
Curjous Fewling Curjious Curijous Feewling Cur9ous Feelling Cur9ious Feeing Curi9ous Feeilng

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