Tonie Swain
When The Beat Drops

I cut like a scalpel
Make fire like a lighter
Watch out for my teeth
I bite like a tiger

I'm a monster in the city
And a twister in the country
I'll rock it till its gritty
When I cut my tracks with Izzy

Oh (hey) I'll break your down
And go to town
Oh (hey) When I walk
you'll kiss the ground.

Cause I'm from the south (yall)
Don't mean I'll watch my mouth (oh no)
Try and be my boss;
And you bet I'll cut you off

School you till your dizzy
Make time if your busy

When the beat drops
Whe-when the beat drops
When the beat drops
Whe-when the beat drops
When the beat drops
Whe-when the beat drops
When the beat drops
Whe-when the beat drops

I'm a supernova
So fantastic
Hard like steel
And burns like acid
Racing cars and filming classics
Nothing on me is made of plastic..

Oh (hey) I'll break your down
And go to town
Oh (hey) When I walk
you'll kiss the ground.

Grammy winner; then an Oscar
Heavy weight just like a boxer
Cause I'm young don't mean I'm proper
When were done, you'll call me Poppa

When the beat drops
Whe-when the beat drops
When the beat drops
Whe-when the beat drops
When the beat drops
Whe-when the beat drops
When the beat drops
Whe-when the beat drops

Oh (hey) I'll break your down
And go to town
Oh (hey) When I walk
you'll kiss the ground.

Grammy winner; then an Oscar
Heavy weight just like a boxer
Cause I'm young don't mean I'm proper
When were done, you'll call me Poppa

When the beat drops
Whe-when the beat drops
When the beat drops
Whe-when the beat drops
When the beat drops
Whe-when the beat drops
When the beat drops
Whe-when the beat drops

Mirror lyrics:

Whe-when the beat drops
When the beat drops
Whe-when the beat drops
When the beat drops
Whe-when the beat drops
When the beat drops
Whe-when the beat drops
When the beat drops

When were done, you'll call me Poppa
Cause I'm young don't mean I'm proper
Heavy weight just like a boxer
Grammy winner; then an Oscar

you'll kiss the ground.
Oh (hey) When I walk
And go to town
Oh (hey) I'll break your down

Whe-when the beat drops
When the beat drops
Whe-when the beat drops
When the beat drops
Whe-when the beat drops
When the beat drops
Whe-when the beat drops
When the beat drops

When were done, you'll call me Poppa
Cause I'm young don't mean I'm proper
Heavy weight just like a boxer
Grammy winner; then an Oscar

you'll kiss the ground.
Oh (hey) When I walk
And go to town
Oh (hey) I'll break your down

Nothing on me is made of plastic..
Racing cars and filming classics
And burns like acid
Hard like steel
So fantastic
I'm a supernova

Whe-when the beat drops
When the beat drops
Whe-when the beat drops
When the beat drops
Whe-when the beat drops
When the beat drops
Whe-when the beat drops
When the beat drops

Make time if your busy
School you till your dizzy

And you bet I'll cut you off
Try and be my boss;
Don't mean I'll watch my mouth (oh no)
Cause I'm from the south (yall)

you'll kiss the ground.
Oh (hey) When I walk
And go to town
Oh (hey) I'll break your down

When I cut my tracks with Izzy
I'll rock it till its gritty
And a twister in the country
I'm a monster in the city

I bite like a tiger
Watch out for my teeth
Make fire like a lighter
I cut like a scalpel

Relevant Tags:
WWhen TThe BBeat DDrops hen he eat rops hWen hTe eBat rDops ahen fhe veat xrops aWhen fThe vBeat xDrops Wahen Tfhe Bveat Dxrops
3hen 5he geat erops 3When 5The gBeat eDrops W3hen T5he Bgeat Derops dhen hhe neat frops dWhen hThe nBeat fDrops Wdhen Thhe Bneat Dfrops
ehen yhe heat rrops eWhen yThe hBeat rDrops Wehen Tyhe Bheat Drrops shen 6he Beeat crops sWhen 6The Bat cDrops Wshen T6he Baet Dcrops
2hen ghe Bsat srops 2When gThe Bseat sDrops W2hen Tghe Besat Dsrops qhen rhe B3at qWhen rThe B3eat Dops Wqhen Trhe Be3at Dorps
Whhen Bfat Ddops Wen Te Bfeat Ddrops Wehn Teh Befat Drdops Wjen Tje Brat D4ops Wjhen Tjhe Breat D4rops Whjen Thje Berat Dr4ops
Wuen Tue B4at Dgops Wuhen Tuhe B4eat Dgrops Whuen Thue Be4at Drgops Wnen Tne Bdat Dtops Wnhen Tnhe Bdeat Dtrops Whnen Thne Bedat Drtops
Wben Tbe Bwat D5ops Wbhen Tbhe Bweat D5rops Whben Thbe Bewat Dr5ops Wgen Tge Beaat Dfops Wghen Bet Whgen Thge Beta Drfops
Wyen Tye Bezt Deops Wyhen Bezat Whyen Thye Beazt Dreops

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