Waiting For The Light To Change

Brazen is love's redeemer
When you have so far to go
It loves the true believer
For the innocence they own

Life is good life is grand
When you're sittin' on top of the world
Life is good when it's in your hands
And nobody can change your world

I'm just waiting for the light to change
I'm just waiting for the light to change
I'm just waiting for the light to change
I'm just waiting

All my prize possessions
That I thought I needed so
Dragged me down on a razor
With a heaviness they tow
always searching for a love that's in bloom
it's a warm and soft embrace
Hoping you'll never be lonely again
It's a fear that you just can't face

I'm just waiting for the light to change
I'm just waiting for the light to change
I'm just waiting for the light to change
I'm just waiting

Life is good and life is grand
When you're sitting on top of the world
Life is good when it's in your hands your hands
And nobody can change your world

I'm just waiting for the light to change
I'm just waiting for the light to change
I'm just waiting for the light to change
I'm just waiting for the light to change
I'm just waiting, I'm just waiting
I'm just waiting, I'm just waiting

Mirror lyrics:

I'm just waiting, I'm just waiting
I'm just waiting, I'm just waiting
I'm just waiting for the light to change
I'm just waiting for the light to change
I'm just waiting for the light to change
I'm just waiting for the light to change

And nobody can change your world
Life is good when it's in your hands your hands
When you're sitting on top of the world
Life is good and life is grand

I'm just waiting
I'm just waiting for the light to change
I'm just waiting for the light to change
I'm just waiting for the light to change

It's a fear that you just can't face
Hoping you'll never be lonely again
it's a warm and soft embrace
always searching for a love that's in bloom
With a heaviness they tow
Dragged me down on a razor
That I thought I needed so
All my prize possessions

I'm just waiting
I'm just waiting for the light to change
I'm just waiting for the light to change
I'm just waiting for the light to change

And nobody can change your world
Life is good when it's in your hands
When you're sittin' on top of the world
Life is good life is grand

For the innocence they own
It loves the true believer
When you have so far to go
Brazen is love's redeemer

Relevant Tags:
WWaiting FFor TThe LLight TTo CChange aiting or he ight o hange aWiting oFr hTe iLght oT hCange aaiting cor fhe kight fo fhange aWaiting cFor fThe kLight fTo fChange
Waaiting Fcor Tfhe Lkight Tfo Cfhange 3aiting ror 5he oight 5o xhange 3Waiting rFor 5The oLight 5To xChange W3aiting Fror T5he Loight T5o Cxhange daiting gor hhe pight ho vhange
dWaiting gFor hThe pLight hTo vChange Wdaiting Fgor Thhe Lpight Tho Cvhange eaiting tor yhe Liight yo dhange eWaiting tFor yThe Lght yTo dChange Weaiting Ftor Tyhe Lgiht Tyo Cdhange
saiting vor 6he Ljght 6o Chhange sWaiting vFor 6The Ljight 6To Cange Wsaiting Fvor T6he Lijght T6o Cahnge 2aiting dor ghe L9ght go Cjange 2Waiting dFor gThe L9ight gTo Cjhange
W2aiting Fdor Tghe Li9ght Tgo Chjange qaiting Foor rhe Llght ro Cuange qWaiting Fr rThe Llight rTo Cuhange Wqaiting Fro Trhe Lilght Tro Chuange Fkr Loght Too Cnange
Witing Fkor Te T Cnhange Wiating Fokr Teh Lioght To Chnange Wziting F9r Tje Lkght Tk Cbange Wzaiting F9or Tjhe Tko Cbhange Waziting Fo9r Thje Likght Tok Chbange
Wqiting F0r Tue L8ght T9 Cgange F0or Tuhe L8ight T9o Cghange Waqiting Fo0r Thue Li8ght To9 Chgange Wsiting Flr Tne Lught T0 Cyange Flor Tnhe Luight T0o Cyhange
Wasiting Folr Thne Liught To0 Chyange Wwiting Fir Tbe Ligght Tl Chaange Wwaiting Fior Tbhe Liht Tlo Chnge Wawiting Foir Thbe Lihgt Tol Chnage Wxiting Forr Tge Lihht Ti Chznge
Wxaiting Fo Lihght Tio Chzange Waxiting For Thge Lighht Toi Chaznge Waiiting Fod Tye Liyht Chqnge Wating Fodr Liyght Chqange Watiing Ford Thye Ligyht Chaqnge
Wajting Fo4 Thee Libht Chsnge Wajiting Fo4r Th Libght Chsange Waijting For4 The Ligbht Chasnge Wa9ting Fog Ths Livht Chwnge Wa9iting Fogr Thse Livght Chwange
Wai9ting Forg Thes Ligvht Chawnge Walting Fot Th3 Lifht Chxnge Waliting Fotr Th3e Lifght Chxange Wailting Fort The3 Ligfht Chaxnge Waoting Fo5 Thf Litht Channge
Waoiting Fo5r Thfe Litght Chage Waioting For5 Thef Ligtht Chagne Wakting Fof Thr Chamge Wakiting Fofr Thre Ligt Chamnge Waikting Forf Ther Ligth Chanmge
Wa8ting Foe Th4 Ligjt Chahge Wa8iting Foer Th4e Ligjht Chahnge Wai8ting Fore The4 Lighjt Chanhge Wauting Thd Ligut Chajge Wauiting Thde Liguht Chajnge
Waiuting Thed Lighut Chanjge Waitting Thw Lignt Chabge Waiing Thwe Lignht Chabnge Waiitng Thew Lighnt Chanbge Waifing Ligbt Changge
Waifting Chane Waitfing Lighbt Chaneg

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