Zimmer's Hole
The Hole Is The Law

The hole is the law

Bow down to this law

And have some coleslaw

I said what i meant, i meant what i said

For elephants sake... 100 percent

I meant what i said, i said what i meant

For elephants sake... 100 percent

The hole is the law

Mirror lyrics:

The hole is the law

For elephants sake... 100 percent

I meant what i said, i said what i meant

For elephants sake... 100 percent

I said what i meant, i meant what i said

And have some coleslaw

Bow down to this law

The hole is the law

Relevant Tags:
TThe HHole IIs TThe LLaw he ole s he aw hTe oHle sI hTe aLw fhe jole js fhe kaw fThe jHole jIs fThe kLaw Tfhe Hjole Ijs Tfhe Lkaw
5he uole 9s 5he oaw 5The uHole 9Is 5The oLaw T5he Huole I9s T5he Loaw hhe nole ls hhe paw hThe nHole lIs hThe pLaw Thhe Hnole Ils Thhe Lpaw
yhe bole os yhe Laaw yThe bHole oIs yThe Lw Tyhe Hbole Ios Tyhe Lwa 6he gole ks 6he Lzw 6The gHole kIs 6The Lzaw T6he Hgole Iks T6he Lazw
ghe yole 8s ghe Lqw gThe yHole 8Is gThe Lqaw Tghe Hyole I8s Tghe Laqw rhe Hoole us rhe Lsw rThe Hle uIs rThe Lsaw Trhe Hloe Ius Trhe Lasw
Hkle Iss Lww Te Hkole I Te Lwaw Teh Hokle Is Teh Laww Tje H9le Iz Tje Lxw Tjhe H9ole Izs Tjhe Lxaw Thje Ho9le Isz Thje Laxw
Tue H0le Iw Tue Tuhe H0ole Iws Tuhe La Thue Ho0le Isw Thue Law Tne Hlle Id Tne Laa Tnhe Hlole Ids Tnhe Thne Holle Isd Thne Lawa

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