Ziggy Marley
Jah Is True And Perfect

So people ain't it time to feel

Rather than gazing past reality

So you run from the rock

End up in the wilderness



Jah is true and perfect

More holy than man

Jah is true and perfect

And those who are with him

He that plant the seed is the son of man

The field is the earth, the good seeds are the children

Joyful is men when the truth is known

But sadness comes with the lies we tell

Oh, baby

Jah is true and perfect

More holy than man, baby

Jah is true and perfect

And those who are with him

Just one more thing before you go

Jah is true and perfect

More holy than man

Jah is true and perfect

And those who are with him

So people ain't it time to feel

Rather than gazing past reality

So you run from the rock

End up in the wilderness

The big bad wolves have no regrets

Jah is true and perfect

More holy than man

Jah is true and perfect

And those who are with him

Jah is true and perfect

More holy than [Incomprehensible]

Jah is true and perfect

Those who are with him stay there

Jah is true and perfect

Sing it

More holy than man

Sing it

Jah is true and perfect

Sing it

Those who are with him

Stay there


Jah is true and perfect

Sing it

More holy than man

Mirror lyrics:

More holy than man

Sing it

Jah is true and perfect


Stay there

Those who are with him

Sing it

Jah is true and perfect

Sing it

More holy than man

Sing it

Jah is true and perfect

Those who are with him stay there

Jah is true and perfect

More holy than [Incomprehensible]

Jah is true and perfect

And those who are with him

Jah is true and perfect

More holy than man

Jah is true and perfect

The big bad wolves have no regrets

End up in the wilderness

So you run from the rock

Rather than gazing past reality

So people ain't it time to feel

And those who are with him

Jah is true and perfect

More holy than man

Jah is true and perfect

Just one more thing before you go

And those who are with him

Jah is true and perfect

More holy than man, baby

Jah is true and perfect

Oh, baby

But sadness comes with the lies we tell

Joyful is men when the truth is known

The field is the earth, the good seeds are the children

He that plant the seed is the son of man

And those who are with him

Jah is true and perfect

More holy than man

Jah is true and perfect



End up in the wilderness

So you run from the rock

Rather than gazing past reality

So people ain't it time to feel

Relevant Tags:
JJah IIs TTrue AAnd PPerfect ah s rue nd erfect aJh sI rTue nAd ePrfect kah js frue znd 0erfect kJah jIs fTrue zAnd 0Perfect Jkah Ijs Tfrue Aznd P0erfect
iah 9s 5rue qnd lerfect iJah 9Is 5True qAnd lPerfect Jiah I9s T5rue Aqnd Plerfect mah ls hrue snd oerfect mJah lIs hTrue sAnd oPerfect Jmah Ils Thrue Asnd Poerfect
nah os yrue wnd Peerfect nJah oIs yTrue wAnd Prfect Jnah Ios Tyrue Awnd Prefect hah ks 6rue xnd Psrfect hJah kIs 6True xAnd Pserfect Jhah Iks T6rue Axnd Pesrfect
uah 8s grue Annd P3rfect uJah 8Is gTrue Ad P3erfect Juah I8s Tgrue Adn Pe3rfect Jaah us rrue Amd Pfrfect Jh uIs rTrue Amnd Pferfect Jha Ius Trrue Anmd Pefrfect
Jzh Iss Ahd Prrfect Jzah I Tue Ahnd Prerfect Jazh Is Ture Anhd Perrfect Jqh Iz Tdue Ajd P4rfect Jqah Izs Tdrue Ajnd P4erfect Jaqh Isz Trdue Anjd Pe4rfect
Jsh Iw T4ue Abd Pdrfect Jsah Iws T4rue Abnd Pderfect Jash Isw Tr4ue Anbd Pedrfect Jwh Id Tgue Andd Pwrfect Jwah Ids An Pwerfect Jawh Isd Trgue And Pewrfect
Jxh Ie Ttue Anx Jxah Ies Ttrue Anxd Pefect Jaxh Ise Trtue Andx Pefrect Jahh Ix T5ue Ane Pedfect Ja Ixs Aned Jah Isx Tr5ue Ande Perdfect
Jaj Ia Tfue Anf Pe4fect Jajh Ias Anfd Jahj Isa Trfue Andf Per4fect Jau Teue Anr Pegfect Jauh Terue Anrd Pegrfect Jahu Treue Andr Pergfect
Jan Truue Anc Petfect Janh Tre Ancd Petrfect Jahn Treu Andc Pertfect Jab Trhe Ans Pe5fect Jabh Trhue Ansd Pe5rfect Jahb Truhe Ands Per5fect
Jag Tr7e Peffect Jagh Tr7ue Jahg Tru7e Perffect Jay Trke Peefect Jayh Trkue Jahy Truke Perefect
Trie Triue Perect Truie Perefct Tr8e Percect

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