
Release date: 1. November 2000

Album: Have a zididada day

Okay - I'm not as cool as you

Never had my big break through

Why I never did it right

Guess That's how I am

Now you wont hesitate to say

Come on make my day

Okay - but it's easier to say

I'm crazy you know


I might be crazy

but i'm cool enough for you

I might be crazy

but i do know what i'm going through

I might be crazy

But it's good enough for me

As good as it can be

(whistle whistle)

You consider me a fool

Hope I'm fool enough for you

How pathetic it may seem

I'm still crazy you know


How dare you believe

You're better than me

Cause I know it's common policy

To control insanity


I'm still crazy


Mirror lyrics:


I'm still crazy


To control insanity

Cause I know it's common policy

You're better than me

How dare you believe


I'm still crazy you know

How pathetic it may seem

Hope I'm fool enough for you

You consider me a fool

(whistle whistle)

As good as it can be

But it's good enough for me

I might be crazy

but i do know what i'm going through

I might be crazy

but i'm cool enough for you

I might be crazy


I'm crazy you know

Okay - but it's easier to say

Come on make my day

Now you wont hesitate to say

Guess That's how I am

Why I never did it right

Never had my big break through

Okay - I'm not as cool as you

Album: Have a zididada day

Release date: 1. November 2000

Relevant Tags:
CCrazy razy rCazy frazy fCrazy Cfrazy xrazy xCrazy Cxrazy vrazy vCrazy
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Cr4azy Cgazy Cgrazy Crgazy Ctazy Ctrazy Crtazy C5azy C5razy Cr5azy Cfazy
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