Request Line

DJ please
Pick up your phone
I'm on the request line

Baby, baby, ba-ba baby baby
Baby, Baby, alright all night

I know it's better when the rhythm works together
With the beat in your soul
Did I ever tell you
How you make me feel
Every night you're on the control

So come on daddy won't you take it away
I know I call your line every day
I'm dialing five, five, five, zero, four, twenty-nine
So that I can hear you say, hey

Hey, baby boo
Just tell me what
I can play for you, hey
You're right on time
You just got through the request line
Baby, baby, ba-ba baby, baby

Baby every single day
I call you, I call you
Baby every single night
Alright now, alright
Mr. DJ I know that you will
Remember this voice calling you
It's been a while so how you been, oh

So turn it up as I shake it on down
(shake it, shake it, shake it baby)
And catch the vinyl as it's spinning around, yeah
Give me five, five, five, zero, four, twenty-nine
That's the number that we're dialing tonight, hey

Repeat 1

Baby, baby, ba-baby, baby, baby
Repeat above while:
You gotta keep it hot, baby
(You gotta keep it hot, baby)
You gotta keep it hot, baby
You gotta keep it hot, baby, ah, come on

Repeat 1 while:
Baby every single day
Baby every single night

Baby, baby, ba-ba baby, baby
Dialing five fifty-five zero four and twenty-nine
I'll be ringing it all night
I'm calling ya
Oh baby put me through
Put me on so I can grove
Dialing five, and fifty-five, I'm calling
Dialing five and fifty-five
Zero four and twenty-nine
I'm calling on your line
I'm calling, I'm calling
Dialing five and fifty-five zero four and twenty-nine
Five, five, and fifty-five
(Request line)
Oh, ah ha

Mirror lyrics:

Oh, ah ha
(Request line)
Five, five, and fifty-five
Dialing five and fifty-five zero four and twenty-nine
I'm calling, I'm calling
I'm calling on your line
Zero four and twenty-nine
Dialing five and fifty-five
Dialing five, and fifty-five, I'm calling
Put me on so I can grove
Oh baby put me through
I'm calling ya
I'll be ringing it all night
Dialing five fifty-five zero four and twenty-nine
Baby, baby, ba-ba baby, baby

Baby every single night
Baby every single day
Repeat 1 while:

You gotta keep it hot, baby, ah, come on
You gotta keep it hot, baby
(You gotta keep it hot, baby)
You gotta keep it hot, baby
Repeat above while:
Baby, baby, ba-baby, baby, baby

Repeat 1

That's the number that we're dialing tonight, hey
Give me five, five, five, zero, four, twenty-nine
And catch the vinyl as it's spinning around, yeah
(shake it, shake it, shake it baby)
So turn it up as I shake it on down

It's been a while so how you been, oh
Remember this voice calling you
Mr. DJ I know that you will
Alright now, alright
Baby every single night
I call you, I call you
Baby every single day

Baby, baby, ba-ba baby, baby
You just got through the request line
You're right on time
I can play for you, hey
Just tell me what
Hey, baby boo

So that I can hear you say, hey
I'm dialing five, five, five, zero, four, twenty-nine
I know I call your line every day
So come on daddy won't you take it away

Every night you're on the control
How you make me feel
Did I ever tell you
With the beat in your soul
I know it's better when the rhythm works together

Baby, Baby, alright all night
Baby, baby, ba-ba baby baby

I'm on the request line
Pick up your phone
DJ please

Relevant Tags:
RRequest LLine equest ine eRquest iLne dequest kine dRequest kLine Rdequest Lkine 4equest oine 4Request oLine R4equest Loine
gequest pine gRequest pLine Rgequest Lpine tequest Liine tRequest Lne Rtequest Lnie 5equest Ljne 5Request Ljine R5equest Lijne
fequest L9ne fRequest L9ine Rfequest Li9ne eequest Llne eRequest Lline Reequest Lilne Lone Rquest Rqeuest Lione
Rsquest Lkne Rsequest Resquest Likne R3quest L8ne R3equest L8ine Re3quest Li8ne Rfquest Lune Luine Refquest Liune
Rrquest Linne Rrequest Lie Rerquest Lien R4quest Lime Limne Re4quest Linme Rdquest Lihe Lihne Redquest Linhe
Rwquest Lije Rwequest Rewquest Linje Reqquest Libe Reuest Libne Reuqest Linbe Reauest Linee Reaquest Lin Reqauest Line
Re2uest Lins Re2quest Linse Req2uest Lines Rewuest Lin3 Lin3e Reqwuest Line3 Resuest Linf Linfe Reqsuest Linef
Re1uest Linr Re1quest Linre Req1uest Liner Requuest Lin4 Reqest Lin4e Reqeust Line4 Reqhest Lind Reqhuest Linde Requhest Lined
Req7est Linw Req7uest Linwe Requ7est Linew

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