Split Seconds

Open your eyes
Take a look around you
You light me up
Like I`m some kind of saint
If black and white
were the only colours
if you and I
were the only ones

Trying to buy some time
I'd try to buy split seconds
Trying to buy some time
I'd try to buy split seconds

I open my eyes
and fear it 's not the last time
You set me up
like I'm some kind of fool

Trying to buy some time
I try to buy split seconds
Trying to buy some time
I try to buy

the scars to prove that
we're not the only ones
the scars to prove that
I am
that I am

Trying to buy some time
I try to buy split seconds
Trying to buy some time
I try to buy split seconds
Trying to buy some time
I try to buy split seconds
Trying to buy
Trying to buy

Mirror lyrics:

Trying to buy
Trying to buy
I try to buy split seconds
Trying to buy some time
I try to buy split seconds
Trying to buy some time
I try to buy split seconds
Trying to buy some time

that I am
I am
the scars to prove that
we're not the only ones
the scars to prove that

I try to buy
Trying to buy some time
I try to buy split seconds
Trying to buy some time

like I'm some kind of fool
You set me up
and fear it 's not the last time
I open my eyes

I'd try to buy split seconds
Trying to buy some time
I'd try to buy split seconds
Trying to buy some time

were the only ones
if you and I
were the only colours
If black and white
Like I`m some kind of saint
You light me up
Take a look around you
Open your eyes

Relevant Tags:
SSplit SSeconds plit econds pSlit eSconds zplit zeconds zSplit zSeconds Szplit Szeconds wplit weconds wSplit wSeconds Swplit Sweconds
dplit deconds dSplit dSeconds Sdplit Sdeconds eplit eeconds eSplit eSeconds Seplit Seeconds xplit xeconds xSplit xSeconds Sxplit Sxeconds
aplit aeconds aSplit aSeconds Saplit Saeconds Spplit Slit Sconds Slpit Sceonds S0lit Ssconds S0plit Sseconds Sp0lit Sesconds
Sllit S3conds Slplit S3econds Spllit Se3conds Solit Sfconds Soplit Sfeconds Spolit Sefconds Srconds Spit Sreconds Spilt Serconds
Spkit S4conds Spklit S4econds Splkit Se4conds Spoit Sdconds Sploit Sedconds Sppit Swconds Splpit Sewconds Spliit Secconds Splt Seonds
Splti Seocnds Spljt Sefonds Spljit Splijt Secfonds Spl9t Sexonds Spl9it Sexconds Spli9t Secxonds Spllt Sevonds Sevconds
Splilt Secvonds Splot Sedonds Spliot Secdonds Splkt Secoonds Secnds Splikt Secnods

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