Zero 7
Speed Dial No 2

I don't need you anymore
I'm okay and I am sure
I don't need you anymore
Yeah I'm ok, I'm reassured

And I don't need you not today
I promise I'll call I promise I'll say
I don't need you not to stay
And if you ever need me I'll reciprocate

Your shoulders in my pocket
Speed dial N°2
See you when I need you
See you when I do
See you when I do

Do you need me, I am here
Can you ask, can you be clear
Yes you need me, I appear
Now you are me, I am here

My shoulders in your pocket
Speed dial N°2
Call it when you need me
See you when I do
See you when I do

Call me when you need me
Just call me when you need me

Call me when you need me
See you when I do

Mirror lyrics:

See you when I do
Call me when you need me

Just call me when you need me
Call me when you need me

See you when I do
See you when I do
Call it when you need me
Speed dial N°2
My shoulders in your pocket

Now you are me, I am here
Yes you need me, I appear
Can you ask, can you be clear
Do you need me, I am here

See you when I do
See you when I do
See you when I need you
Speed dial N°2
Your shoulders in my pocket

And if you ever need me I'll reciprocate
I don't need you not to stay
I promise I'll call I promise I'll say
And I don't need you not today

Yeah I'm ok, I'm reassured
I don't need you anymore
I'm okay and I am sure
I don't need you anymore

Relevant Tags:
SSpeed DDial NNo 22 peed ial o pSeed iDal oN 2 zpeed xial mo 3 zSpeed xDial mNo 32 Szpeed Dxial Nmo 23 wpeed eial ho q
wSpeed eDial hNo q2 Swpeed Deial Nho 2q dpeed fial jo w dSpeed fDial jNo w2 Sdpeed Dfial Njo 2w epeed rial bo 1 eSpeed rDial bNo 12
Sepeed Drial Nbo 21 xpeed cial Noo xSpeed cDial N Sxpeed Dcial No apeed sial Nk aSpeed sDial Nko Sapeed Dsial Nok
Sppeed Diial N9 Seed Dal N9o Seped Dail No9 S0eed Djal N0 S0peed Djial N0o Sp0eed Dijal No0 Sleed D9al Nl
Slpeed D9ial Nlo Spleed Di9al Nol Soeed Dlal Ni Sopeed Dlial Nio Spoeed Dilal Noi Speeed Doal Sped Doial
Speed Dioal Spsed Dkal Spseed Dkial Spesed Dikal Sp3ed D8al Sp3eed D8ial Spe3ed Di8al
Spfed Dual Spfeed Duial

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