To Mera

Far away and oh so near
I lost my way as I found my place
In this damned
Playground of the universe
On the tracks of blooddrops from my kins veins

Once again idegen szavak - Ujra itt

And as I turn back
I hear your cries, calling me, I hear you screaming my name
As I close my eyes and hide the past inside
Wishing there was nothing to remember you by

Felek, almomban itt voltal, ereztem a szivem meghasadt
Ereztem a lelkem szetszakadt, es igaz volt minden
Nem csak alom mely elvesz a reggellel
Once again idegen szavak - Ujra itt

And as I turn back
I hear your cries, calling me, I hear you screaming my name
As I close my eyes and hide the past inside
Wishing there was nothing to remember you by

Once again I am back here
With you inside this dream
And I try to believe
Trying to believeTo believe that Im forgiven
That my tears are not in vain

And as I turn back
I hear your cries, calling me, I hear you screaming my name
As I close my eyes and hide the past inside
Wishing there was nothing to remember you by

Mirror lyrics:

Wishing there was nothing to remember you by
As I close my eyes and hide the past inside
I hear your cries, calling me, I hear you screaming my name
And as I turn back

That my tears are not in vain
Trying to believeTo believe that Im forgiven
And I try to believe
With you inside this dream
Once again I am back here

Wishing there was nothing to remember you by
As I close my eyes and hide the past inside
I hear your cries, calling me, I hear you screaming my name
And as I turn back

Once again idegen szavak - Ujra itt
Nem csak alom mely elvesz a reggellel
Ereztem a lelkem szetszakadt, es igaz volt minden
Felek, almomban itt voltal, ereztem a szivem meghasadt

Wishing there was nothing to remember you by
As I close my eyes and hide the past inside
I hear your cries, calling me, I hear you screaming my name
And as I turn back

Once again idegen szavak - Ujra itt

On the tracks of blooddrops from my kins veins
Playground of the universe
In this damned
I lost my way as I found my place
Far away and oh so near

Relevant Tags:
BBlood lood lBood vlood vBlood Bvlood glood gBlood Bglood nlood nBlood
Bnlood hlood hBlood Bhlood Bllood Bood Bolod Bkood Bklood Blkood Boood
Bolood Bloood Bpood Bplood Blpood Blod Blood Blkod Blokod Bl9od Bl9ood
Blo9od Bl0od

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