Tomas Ledin
Take Good Care Of Your Children

Artist: Tomas Ledin

Title: Take good care of your children

Make your life worth living for
Make it into something good
Take good care of your children
Mothers and fathers
Show them that you love them
Take good care of your children
Sisters and brothers
We all need a little loving
Make our lives worth living for
Make it into something good
It's all here in our own hands
So we better think positive
Take good care of your children
Mothers and fathers
Show them that you love them
Take good care of your children
Sisters and brothers
We all need a little loving
Take your time and do it right
Take it as a natural thing
The future's in the ones we love
So we better start to give
Take good care of your children
Mothers and fathers
Show them that you love them
Take good care of your children
Sisters and brothers
We all need a little loving
Look at the kids
Look at them smile
Stop what you're doing
And listen to me for a while
Take good care of your children
Mothers and fathers
Show them that you love them
Take good care of your children
Sisters and brothers
We all need a little loving

Mirror lyrics:

We all need a little loving
Sisters and brothers
Take good care of your children
Show them that you love them
Mothers and fathers
Take good care of your children
And listen to me for a while
Stop what you're doing
Look at them smile
Look at the kids
We all need a little loving
Sisters and brothers
Take good care of your children
Show them that you love them
Mothers and fathers
Take good care of your children
So we better start to give
The future's in the ones we love
Take it as a natural thing
Take your time and do it right
We all need a little loving
Sisters and brothers
Take good care of your children
Show them that you love them
Mothers and fathers
Take good care of your children
So we better think positive
It's all here in our own hands
Make it into something good
Make our lives worth living for
We all need a little loving
Sisters and brothers
Take good care of your children
Show them that you love them
Mothers and fathers
Take good care of your children
Make it into something good
Make your life worth living for

Title: Take good care of your children

Artist: Tomas Ledin

Relevant Tags:
TTake GGood CCare OOf YYour CChildren ake ood are f our hildren aTke oGod aCre fO oYur hCildren fake hood fare kf gour fhildren fTake hGood fCare kOf gYour fChildren
Tfake Ghood Cfare Okf Ygour Cfhildren 5ake yood xare 9f hour xhildren 5Take yGood xCare 9Of hYour xChildren T5ake Gyood Cxare O9f Yhour Cxhildren hake bood vare 0f 6our vhildren
hTake bGood vCare 0Of 6Your vChildren Thake Gbood Cvare O0f Y6our Cvhildren yake vood dare lf uour dhildren yTake vGood dCare lOf uYour dChildren Tyake Gvood Cdare Olf Yuour Cdhildren
6ake food Caare if 7our Chhildren 6Take fGood Cre iOf 7Your Cildren T6ake Gfood Crae Oif Y7our Cihldren gake tood Czre Off jour Cjildren gTake tGood Czare O jYour Cjhildren
Tgake Gtood Cazre Of Yjour Chjildren rake Goood Cqre Oc tour Cuildren rTake God Cqare Ocf tYour Cuhildren Trake Good Caqre Ofc Ytour Chuildren Taake Gkod Csre Or Yoour Cnildren
Tke Gkood Csare Orf Yur Cnhildren Tkae Gokod Casre Ofr Yuor Chnildren Tzke G9od Cwre Og Ykur Cbildren Tzake G9ood Cware Ogf Ykour Cbhildren Tazke Go9od Cawre Ofg Yokur Chbildren
Tqke G0od Cxre Ot Y9ur Cgildren Tqake G0ood Otf Y9our Cghildren Taqke Go0od Caxre Oft Yo9ur Chgildren Tske Glod Carre Ov Y0ur Cyildren Tsake Glood Cae Ovf Y0our Cyhildren
Taske Golod Caer Ofv Yo0ur Chyildren Twke Giod Cade Od Ylur Chiildren Twake Giood Cadre Odf Ylour Chldren Tawke Goiod Carde Ofd Yolur Chlidren Txke Ca4e Yiur Chjldren
Txake Ca4re Yiour Taxke Godo Car4e Yoiur Chijldren Takke Gokd Cage Youur Ch9ldren Tae Cagre Yor Ch9ildren Taek Gookd Carge Yoru Chi9ldren
Tale Go9d Cate Yohr Chlldren Talke Catre Yohur Chlildren Takle Goo9d Carte Youhr Chilldren Taoe Go0d Ca5e Yo7r Choldren Taoke Ca5re Yo7ur Choildren
Takoe Goo0d Car5e You7r Chioldren Tame Gold Cafe Yokr Chkldren Tamke Cafre Chkildren Takme Goold Carfe Youkr Chikldren Taje Goid Caee Yoir Ch8ldren
Tajke Caere Ch8ildren Takje Gooid Caree Youir Chi8ldren Taie Goodd Yo8r Chuldren Taike Goo Car Yo8ur Takie Care You8r Chiuldren
Takee Goox Cars Yojr Tak Gooxd Carse Yojur Chidren Take Goodx Cares Youjr Chidlren Taks Gooe Car3 Yoyr Chikdren Takse Gooed Car3e Yoyur
Takes Goode Care3 Youyr Chilkdren Tak3 Goof Carf Yourr Chiodren Tak3e Goofd You Take3 Goodf Caref Your Chilodren Takf Goor Carr Youd Chipdren
Takfe Goord Youdr Chipldren

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