Tom Waits
I'll Take New York

I'll tip the newsboy
I'll get a shine
I'll ride this dream
to the end of the line
I'm goin places
I'll take a ride
Up to the Riverside
I'll take NY
I'll let it happen
I'll pop the cork
tear off the wrappin'
I'll make a splash on the Hudson
that's how I will arrive
Hey, do you have two tens for a five?
Roll out the carpet
Strike up the band
break into the best
champagne when I land
Beat the parade drum
hit all the bars
I want the moon and stars
But I'll take NY
I'll make it happen
Blow out the candlels
tear off the wrappin'
And I know someday
they'll have to name a street after me
right next door to old Franklin D

Mirror lyrics:

right next door to old Franklin D
they'll have to name a street after me
And I know someday
tear off the wrappin'
Blow out the candlels
I'll make it happen
But I'll take NY
I want the moon and stars
hit all the bars
Beat the parade drum
champagne when I land
break into the best
Strike up the band
Roll out the carpet
Hey, do you have two tens for a five?
that's how I will arrive
I'll make a splash on the Hudson
tear off the wrappin'
I'll pop the cork
I'll let it happen
I'll take NY
Up to the Riverside
I'll take a ride
I'm goin places
to the end of the line
I'll ride this dream
I'll get a shine
I'll tip the newsboy

Relevant Tags:
II'll TTake NNew YYork 'll ake ew ork 'Ill aTke eNw oYrk j'll fake mew gork jI'll fTake mNew gYork Ij'll Tfake Nmew Ygork
9'll 5ake hew hork 9I'll 5Take hNew hYork I9'll T5ake Nhew Yhork l'll hake jew 6ork lI'll hTake jNew 6York Il'll Thake Njew Y6ork
o'll yake bew uork oI'll yTake bNew uYork Io'll Tyake Nbew Yuork k'll 6ake Neew 7ork kI'll 6Take Nw 7York Ik'll T6ake Nwe Y7ork
8'll gake Nsw jork 8I'll gTake Nsew jYork I8'll Tgake Nesw Yjork u'll rake N3w tork uI'll rTake N3ew tYork Iu'll Trake Ne3w Ytork
I''ll Taake Nfw Yoork Ill Tke Nfew Yrk Il'l Tkae Nefw Yrok I'lll Tzke Nrw Ykrk I'l Tzake Nrew Ykork I'll Tazke Nerw Yokrk
I'kl Tqke N4w Y9rk I'kll Tqake N4ew Y9ork I'lkl Taqke Ne4w Yo9rk I'ol Tske Ndw Y0rk I'oll Tsake Ndew Y0ork I'lol Taske Nedw Yo0rk
I'pl Twke Nww Ylrk I'pll Twake Nwew Ylork I'lpl Tawke Neww Yolrk Txke Yirk Txake Ne Yiork Taxke New Yoirk

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