Tom Waits
Flash Pan Hunter

The flash pan hunter sways with the wind
His rifle is the sound of the morning
Each sulfurous bullet way have it's own wit
Each cartridge comes with a warning
Beware of elaborate telescopic meats
They will find their way back to the forest

For Wilhelm can't wait
To be Peg Leg's crown
As the briar is strangling
The rose back down

His back shall be my slender new branch
It will sway and bend in the breeze
As the devil does his polka
Wit ha hatchet in his hand
As a sniper in the branches of the trees
As the vulture flutters down
As the snake sheds his dove
Wilhelm's cutting off his fingers
So they'll fit into his glove


Mirror lyrics:


So they'll fit into his glove
Wilhelm's cutting off his fingers
As the snake sheds his dove
As the vulture flutters down
As a sniper in the branches of the trees
Wit ha hatchet in his hand
As the devil does his polka
It will sway and bend in the breeze
His back shall be my slender new branch

The rose back down
As the briar is strangling
To be Peg Leg's crown
For Wilhelm can't wait

They will find their way back to the forest
Beware of elaborate telescopic meats
Each cartridge comes with a warning
Each sulfurous bullet way have it's own wit
His rifle is the sound of the morning
The flash pan hunter sways with the wind

Relevant Tags:
FFlash PPan HHunter lash an unter lFash aPn uHnter clash 0an junter cFlash 0Pan jHunter Fclash P0an Hjunter rlash lan uunter
rFlash lPan uHunter Frlash Plan Huunter glash oan nunter gFlash oPan nHunter Fglash Poan Hnunter tlash Paan bunter tFlash Pn bHunter
Ftlash Pna Hbunter vlash Pzn gunter vFlash Pzan gHunter Fvlash Pazn Hgunter dlash Pqn yunter dFlash Pqan yHunter Fdlash Paqn Hyunter
Fllash Psn Fash Psan Hnter Falsh Pasn Hnuter Fkash Pwn Hhnter Fklash Pwan Hhunter Flkash Pawn Huhnter Foash Pxn H7nter
Folash Pxan H7unter Floash Paxn Hu7nter Fpash Pann Hknter Fplash Pa Hkunter Flpash Pan Huknter Flaash Pam Hinter Flsh Pamn Hiunter
Flsah Panm Huinter Flzsh Pah H8nter Flzash Pahn H8unter Flazsh Panh Hu8nter Flqsh Paj Hjnter Flqash Pajn Flaqsh Panj Hujnter
Flssh Pab Hynter Flsash Pabn Flassh Panb Huynter Flwsh Hunnter Flwash Huter Flawsh Hutner Flxsh Humter
Flxash Humnter Flaxsh Hunmter Huhter Flah Flahs Hunhter Flazh Hujter Flaszh Hunjter
Flawh Hubter Hubnter Flaswh Hunbter

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