Tom T. Hall
The Son Of Clayton Delaney

(Tom T. Hall)

On 4th Street in Louisville in 1978
Stranded in a honky tonk somewhere tween dates
There was a little band was playin' as I sipped my beer
But I never thought that I'd hear what I'd hear.

There was a young man a pickin' lectric guitar
Smokin' and a sniffin' learnin' how to be a star
He had a big blue bandana tied around his head
A laid back bass and a drummer named Red.

Well, his hair was cut long in the fashion of the time
Sandpaper vocal but he milked every line
His fingers like lightning on the guitar that he played
He did Lay Down Sally and Hank Didn't Do It This Way.

--- Instrumental ---

Well, I sat there and listened for over an hour
And the closest thing to country was a rockin' Wildwood Flower
And I got that feeling that I had been there before
But I knew I had never been through that door.

Well, the jukebox was turned on and the band took a break
I made my way up front to howdy and shake
I said son I like your music and I kinda like your style
But it seems to me that I have seen that smile.

While he stood there for a moment then laughed and he slapped his knee
He said you are the one man I've wanted to see
He said I know you you storytelling son of a gun
And you know me I'm Clayton Delaney's son...

Mirror lyrics:

And you know me I'm Clayton Delaney's son...
He said I know you you storytelling son of a gun
He said you are the one man I've wanted to see
While he stood there for a moment then laughed and he slapped his knee

But it seems to me that I have seen that smile.
I said son I like your music and I kinda like your style
I made my way up front to howdy and shake
Well, the jukebox was turned on and the band took a break

But I knew I had never been through that door.
And I got that feeling that I had been there before
And the closest thing to country was a rockin' Wildwood Flower
Well, I sat there and listened for over an hour

--- Instrumental ---

He did Lay Down Sally and Hank Didn't Do It This Way.
His fingers like lightning on the guitar that he played
Sandpaper vocal but he milked every line
Well, his hair was cut long in the fashion of the time

A laid back bass and a drummer named Red.
He had a big blue bandana tied around his head
Smokin' and a sniffin' learnin' how to be a star
There was a young man a pickin' lectric guitar

But I never thought that I'd hear what I'd hear.
There was a little band was playin' as I sipped my beer
Stranded in a honky tonk somewhere tween dates
On 4th Street in Louisville in 1978

(Tom T. Hall)

Relevant Tags:
TThe SSon OOf CClayton DDelaney he on f layton elaney hTe oSn fO lCayton eDlaney fhe zon kf flayton xelaney fThe zSon kOf fClayton xDelaney
Tfhe Szon Okf Cflayton Dxelaney 5he won 9f xlayton eelaney 5The wSon 9Of xClayton eDelaney T5he Swon O9f Cxlayton Deelaney hhe don 0f vlayton felaney
hThe dSon 0Of vClayton fDelaney Thhe Sdon O0f Cvlayton Dfelaney yhe eon lf dlayton relaney yThe eSon lOf dClayton rDelaney Tyhe Seon Olf Cdlayton Drelaney
6he xon if Cllayton celaney 6The xSon iOf Cayton cDelaney T6he Sxon Oif Calyton Dcelaney ghe aon Off Ckayton selaney gThe aSon O Cklayton sDelaney
Tghe Saon Of Clkayton Dselaney rhe Soon Oc Coayton rThe Sn Ocf Colayton Dlaney Trhe Sno Ofc Cloayton Dleaney Skn Or Cpayton Dslaney
Te Skon Orf Cplayton Teh Sokn Ofr Clpayton Deslaney Tje S9n Og Claayton D3laney Tjhe S9on Ogf Clyton D3elaney Thje So9n Ofg Clyaton De3laney
Tue S0n Ot Clzyton Dflaney Tuhe S0on Otf Clzayton Thue So0n Oft Clazyton Deflaney Tne Sln Ov Clqyton Drlaney Tnhe Slon Ovf Clqayton
Thne Soln Ofv Claqyton Derlaney Tbe Sin Od Clsyton D4laney Tbhe Sion Odf Clsayton D4elaney Thbe Soin Ofd Clasyton De4laney Tge Sonn Clwyton Ddlaney
So Clwayton Ddelaney Thge Son Clawyton Dedlaney Tye Som Clxyton Dwlaney Somn Clxayton Dwelaney Thye Sonm Claxyton Dewlaney
Thee Soh Clayyton Dellaney Th Sohn Claton Deaney The Sonh Clatyon Dealney Ths Soj Clagton Dekaney Thse Sojn Clagyton Deklaney
Thes Sonj Claygton Delkaney Th3 Sob Clahton Deoaney Th3e Sobn Clahyton Deolaney The3 Sonb Clayhton Deloaney Thf Cla6ton Depaney
Thfe Cla6yton Deplaney Thef Clay6ton Delpaney Thr Clauton Delaaney Thre Clauyton Delney Ther Clayuton Delnaey
Th4 Cla7ton Delzney Th4e Cla7yton Delzaney The4 Clay7ton Delazney Thd Clajton Delqney Thde Clajyton Delqaney
Thed Clayjton Delaqney Thw Clatton Delsney

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