Tom Waits
Picture In A Frame

Ever since I put your picture.

Sun come up it was blue and gold
Sun come up it was blue and gold
Sun come up it was blue and gold
Ever since I put your picture
In a frame.

I come calling in my Sunday best
I come calling in my Sunday best
I come calling in my Sunday best
Every since I put your picture
In a frame

I'm gonna love you
Till the wheels come off
Oh yeah

I love you baby and I always will
I love you baby and I always will
I love you baby and I always will
Ever since I put your picture
In a frame

Mirror lyrics:

In a frame
Ever since I put your picture
I love you baby and I always will
I love you baby and I always will
I love you baby and I always will

Oh yeah
Till the wheels come off
I'm gonna love you

In a frame
Every since I put your picture
I come calling in my Sunday best
I come calling in my Sunday best
I come calling in my Sunday best

In a frame.
Ever since I put your picture
Sun come up it was blue and gold
Sun come up it was blue and gold
Sun come up it was blue and gold

Ever since I put your picture.

Relevant Tags:
PPicture IIn AA FFrame icture n rame iPcture nI A rFame 0icture jn z crame 0Picture jIn zA cFrame P0icture Ijn Az Fcrame
licture 9n q rrame lPicture 9In qA rFrame Plicture I9n Aq Frrame oicture ln s grame oPicture lIn sA gFrame Poicture Iln As Fgrame
Piicture on w trame Pcture oIn wA tFrame Pciture Ion Aw Ftrame Pjcture kn x vrame Pjicture kIn xA vFrame Pijcture Ikn Ax Fvrame
P9cture 8n drame P9icture 8In dFrame Pi9cture I8n Fdrame Plcture un uIn Fame Pilcture Iun Farme
Pocture Inn Fdame I Piocture In Frdame Pkcture Im F4ame Pkicture Imn F4rame Pikcture Inm Fr4ame
P8cture Ih Fgame P8icture Ihn Pi8cture Inh Frgame Pucture Ij Ftame Puicture Piucture Inj Frtame
Piccture Ib F5ame Piture Ibn F5rame Pitcure Inb Fr5ame Pifture Ffame Pifcture Fframe Picfture Frfame
Pixture Feame Pixcture Ferame Picxture Freame Pivture Fraame Pivcture Frme Picvture Frmae
Pidture Frzme Pidcture Frzame Picdture Frazme Pictture Frqme Picure Frqame Picutre Fraqme
Picfure Frsme Frsame Pictfure Frasme Pic5ure Frwme Pic5ture Frwame Pict5ure Frawme
Pichure Frxme Pichture Frxame Picthure Fraxme Picyure Framme Picyture Frae Pictyure Fraem
Pic6ure Fraje Pic6ture Frajme Pict6ure Framje

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